The mission of MCS America (MCSA) is to propagate medical, legal, and social recognition for multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) as a disorder of organic biological origin induced by toxic environmental insults; to provide support and referral services to the individuals with all illnesses of environmental origin; and to ensure that environmental toxicants are identified, reduced, regulated, and enforced through lobbying for effective legislation. © MCS America
Saturday, April 30, 2011
New plastic chemical study linked to industry
WHO takes on chronic disease
May 6 To Be Lawn Pesticide Awareness Day
"Groups Proclaim May 6 Lawn Pesticide Awareness Day"
Unmuzzle scientists, federal leaders urged
'We would remove the gag order,' Liberals say
"The party leaders vying to form the next Canadian government are being urged to "take off the muzzles" from federal scientists."
Crude oil chemical linked to heart defect in babies
"Babies who are exposed before birth to ethyl benzene, a toxic component in crude oil, may have a higher risk of developing congenital heart disease, US researchers said Saturday."
Organic Bytes: Help Stop the Monsanto/USDA Madness!
Millions Against Monsanto |
Millions Against Monsanto
Get Ready for World Food Day Actions 10/16/11
On Sunday, October 16, 2011, the Organic Consumers Association's Millions Against Monsanto campaign is calling for World Food Day actions to get genetically engineered organisms out of our food.
Get involved by joining your local Millions Against Monsanto chapter!
The goal is to have 435 actions, one in each U.S. Congressional District, and for each action to represent 2300 Millions Against Monsanto supporters.
435 x 2300 = 1,000,000 Against Monsanto
It would be great to have 2300 people participating in each event, but we can also demonstrate our numbers by delivering petitions signed by 2300 people in each Congressional District.
Anyone who can't attend an action on 10/16/11, can join the virtual rally by signing the Millions Against Monsanto petition.
Time to start planning! Here's how to get started.
Via Organica
Join Us In Mexico for a Spring Sustainability Conference
Engineers without Borders, The Center for Appropriate Technology and Indigenous Sustainability- Mexico (CATIS-Mexico) and the Earth and Lime Institute are hosting a month-long spring workshop in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico. The OCA's sister organization Via Orgánica has been invited to teach during the Small Scale Sustainable Farming week, June 20-24th, 2011. A solution-based course, this program teaches skills in small-scale organic food production for both urban and rural dwellers. Participants will have the opportunity to link practical skills in variety of locales, as well as analyze how overarching global issues like climate change and food scarcity can be confronted.
We are inviting our members to participate in this exciting course. Register by May 7th for the early bird special. Combine your spring vacation with an enlightening and authentic educational experience in the outskirts of beautiful San Miguel. Meet OCA Director Ronnie Cummins and the Vía Orgánica staff.
To register click here, and you can take a look at the poster for the event here.
Videos of the Week
Save The Farm
"Save The Farm" tells the story of the largest urban farm in the United States, a 14-acre organic farm in South Central Los Angeles. For 14 years, the farmers fed their families and community, and created an urban oasis. But when the city sells this public land to a developer in a closed door session, activists and celebrities stage an 11th hour tree sit to try to save the farmers from eviction. This film shows that urban farming is a successful and sustainable solution for local and organic food in cities everywhere.
Watch more of OCA's favorite videos on our YouTube Channel!
Little Bytes
San Francisco Votes to Allow Small-Scale Commercial Farming in Residential Areas, No Conditional Use Permit Needed
The Growing Food Crisis, and What World Leaders Aren't Doing About It
Food Rights Network to Hollywood: Stop Greenwashing Toxic Sludge
Protect Health Food and Dietary Supplements from Attack by Opposing New Congressional Bill
Monsanto Wants to Start Testing GM Wheat
Message From Our Sponsors
Help Us Build a Sustainable Future!
Our friends at Chelsea Green offer the latest books on sustainability, democracy, new science, and pathways to peace. Thanks to our new Affiliate Program, your online purchase supports the OCA!
This weeks featured book is: Chasing Chiles
Chasing Chiles looks at both the future of place-based foods and the effects of climate change on agriculture through the lens of the chile pepperfrom the farmers who cultivate this iconic crop to the cuisines and cultural traditions in which peppers play a huge role.
Why chile peppers? Both a spice and a vegetable, chile peppers have captivated imaginations and taste buds for thousands of years. Native to Mesoamerica and the New World, chiles are currently grown on every continent, since their relatively recent introduction to Europe (in the early 1500s via Christopher Columbus). Chiles are delicious, dynamic, and very diversethey have been rapidly adopted, adapted, and assimilated into numerous world cuisines, and while malleable to a degree, certain heirloom varieties are deeply tied to place and culturebut now accelerating climate change may be scrambling their terroir.
Become an OCA Sponsor!
Every issue of Organic Bytes now goes to 265,000 organic consumers with a thousand new subscribers each week. Please help us and your business by letting our subscribers know who you are and that you support the work of the OCA. Please contact us if you want more information!
Please forward this publication to family and friends, place it on web sites, |
Asthma Awareness Month Resources
May is National Asthma Awareness Month and World Asthma Day will be observed on Tuesday, May 3, 2011. Several resources that may be helpful for your asthma activities are available on the National Environmental Education Foundation's website :
- EPA's Asthma Awareness Month Event Planning Kit- provides ideas and strategies for hosting asthma awareness events, guidance on partnership development, resources for kids, and media relations outreach activities.
- CDC's asthma website and public health tracking network.
- CDC's Vital Signs- the asthma edition will be released on May 3, along with an accompanying MMWR, Fact Sheet, and press release.
- NEEF's Pediatric Asthma tools and resources.
Friday, April 29, 2011
MCS America is having a t-shirt designing contest for MCS Awareness Month!
The winner will receive a free yellow t-shirt with their design.
Send designs to with your name and email address.
Happy Designing!
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Hawaii Governor Signs MCS Proclamation and Thanks MCS America for it's Contributions to the Health and Wellness of the Hawaii Community!
Since its inception in 2006, MCS America has worked to gain medical, legal, and social recognition for multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) as a disorder of organic biological origin induced by toxic environmental insults; provided support and referral services to the individuals with multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS), chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), fibromyalgia (FM), and other environmental illnesses; and worked toward ensuring that environmental toxicants are identified, reduced, regulated, and enforced through promoting effective legislation. This is only possible because of community involvement.
On behalf of MCS America and our MCS community, I humbly thank Governor Abercrombie and Lt. Governor Schatz for this gracious proclamation. Their recognition of MCS America's outreach efforts to people with Multiple Chemical Sensitivity is greatly appreciated. This proclamation will be used to foster awareness of this health crisis, encourage policy and procedure changes to support people with Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, and make public services and places accessible to people with MCS in Hawaii and all across America.
To view and download the 2011 Hawaii proclamation in PDF format, see
A special thank you also goes to Susie Collins at the Canary Report for working with me on the proclamation request. Susie operates one of the best online social networks in the U.S. for people with Multiple Chemical Sensitivity. For more information, visit
Every year countless individuals and organizations across the United States request proclamations for many forms of environmental illness, including:
Multiple Chemical Sensitivity
Electromagnetic Sensitivity
Toxic Injury
Indoor Toxic Mold
Chemical Awareness
Food Allergy
Neuroendocrineimmune Disorders
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Myalgic Encephalomyelitis
Gulf War Illness
For more information on how to request a proclamation and plan for awareness events, download a free event planning kit at
Para obtener más información sobre cómo solicitar una proclama y el plan de actividades de sensibilización, consulte
With Aloha,
Lourdes Salvador
American Academy of Pediatrics Policy Statement on Chemical Management: Prioritizing Childrens Health
Chemical toxicity may be more than meets the eye
"Last month the US National Institutes of Health (NIH) and other collaborating agencies announced that they are using a new robotic system to study the toxicity of 10,000 chemicals that are currently used in consumer products, personal care products, food additives, pharmaceuticals and other industrial products."
Mexican-American Children Have High Levels of Flame-Retardants in Blood
"Levels of the chemicals were much higher than among kids in Mexico, study finds"
Pardon me. Are you aware of the Fragrance-Free Policy?
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Study finds flame retardants at high levels in pet dogs
"Indiana University scientists have found chemical flame retardants in the blood of pet dogs at concentrations five to 10 times higher than in humans, but lower than levels found in a previous study of cats."
Green Environments Essential for Human Health, Research Shows
"Research confirms that the impacts of parks and green environments on human health extend beyond social and psychological health outcomes to include physical health outcomes. (Credit: University of Illinois)ScienceDaily (Apr. 19, 2011) Research shows that a walk in the park is more than just a nice way to spend an afternoon. It's an essential component for good health, according to University of Illinois environment and behavior researcher Frances "Ming" Kuo."
Monday, April 25, 2011
New concerns over swine flu jab after children given it 'hit by sudden sleep syndrome'
"A swine flu vaccine which has been given to thousands of children in Britain may cause the sleep disorder narcolepsy."
Epigenetic changes seen in elderly men after prolonged air pollution exposure.
"New research suggests that long-term exposure to certain air pollutants alters DNA methylation, a mechanism that controls gene expression."
Madrigano J, A Baccarelli, MA Mittleman, RO Wright, D Sparrow, PS Vokonas, L Tarantini and J Schwartz. 2011. Prolonged exposure to particulate pollution, genes associated with glutathione pathways, and DNA methylation in a cohort of older men. Environmental Health Perspectives
Synopsis by Heather Volk
Pediatricians want better chemical laws, but evidence always a problem
"Toxic chemicals are endangering children, and the government isn't doing enough to protect themthat's the gist of a policy statement released Monday by the American Academy of Pediatrics."
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Sick and dying workers question safety of Ogden Superfund site
"So is Jim Sproul, who sat next to her in an office in the Utah National Guard's Joint Language Training Center. And so is Chris Jensen, who sat beside Sproul.
Across from Seager sat Mike Chen; he survived a brain tumor. A few feet away was Mark Hepper; he's dying.
Megan Cate, Scott Forman, Jackie Leedy, Andy Swatsenbarg all of them worked in the same small office. All of them are sick. None of them knows why."
Missouri Governor's Council on Disability Fragrance Free Policy
2011 Winner for CFS Public Service Announcement
Key Words: multiple chemical sensitivity, chemical sensitivity, chemical sensitivities, multiple chemical sensitivities, MCS, EI, environmental illness, sick building syndrome, idiopathic environmental intolerance, fibromyalgia, chronic fatiuge, FM, CFS, mold illness, clinical ecology, alternative medicine, environmental medicine, neuropathy, encephalopathy, toxic, chemical
Saturday, April 23, 2011
May is MCS Awareness Month and the Theme this Year is Yellow!
May is MCS Awareness month and the theme this year is yellow! People around the world are making a statement by wearing yellow on May Day, Sunday, May 1 and throughout May. T-shirts, hats, scarfs, and pins all show awareness and support of people with Multiple Chemical Sensitivities. Please join us for this important observance!
Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) affects over 48 million men, women, and children of all races. Even though MCS is of widespread epidemic prevalence, public awareness of the toxicity of common environmental insults and ways to manage and accommodate MCS remain limited.
Please join us in spreading awaress this May!
Turn Off Your Cell Phone Buttons Now Available

Cafe Press is also offering a $3 discount on all orders over $30 thru April 27th. Use TAPR1130 in the discount box to receive the $3 credit.
MCS Awareness Month Begins May 1st: Free Planning Kit Available

Organizations around the world have put forth great effort to establish May of each year as either Multiple Chemical Sensitivity Awareness Month or Toxic Injury Awareness Month. Many are working to improve awareness and appropriate healthcare around the world. Activities are organized around the month of May and continue throughout the year. MCS America plays a special role during this time and is committed to promoting awareness of toxic chemicals which may cause MCS and trigger reactions in those already injured by toxic chemicals.
Thousands of multiple chemical sensitivity awareness events are expected to take place across the
We would like to thank you for any and all efforts towards increased awareness in your locality. We look forward to assisting you in any way we can. Working together, we can help

P.O. Box 29290,
MAY 2011
From 5 to 15% of the U.S. Population is affected by chemical sensitization in varying degrees. (Miller & Ashford 2004; Caress & Steinemann, 2003; Neutra, Kreutzer & Lashuay, 1999; Vorhees, 1999; Meggs, Dunn, Bloch, Goodman & Davidoff, 1966).
"1999 consensus criteria for the definition of (MCS) were first identified in a 1989 multidisciplinary survey
of 89 clinicians and researchers with extensive experience in MCS. A decade later, their top 5 consensus criteria (i.e., defining MCS as [1] a chronic condition [2] with symptoms that recur reproducibly [3] in response to low levels of exposure [4] to multiple unrelated chemicals and [5] improve or resolve when incitants are removed) are still unrefuted in published literature.
Government studies in the
Many toxic substances to which we are unwittingly exposed daily may cause debilitating conditions including cancer, asthma, and MCS as well as impair functional ability and quality of life. Chemical exposures can also deplete your nutrients and/or create imbalances.
Education is power. Learn how chemicals, molds, and fragrances can be harmful to you and your health as well as those with MCS. Protect yourself and your family as well as those in your community who are disabled with this complex condition.
See our website:
Check out
Gulf War, 911, & Katrina Film documentaries -
Visit your local library for related books and films. MCS displays in May.
It's hidden in perfume, in the cleaners and the sprays -
Bleach, paint, and so much more - and we can't get away.
It's poison! Noxious! Toxic! To many folks you see,
When affected by those chemicals, slowly dying by degrees.
It's real, stop and think – In a big kind of way.
The people of tomorrow need the air clean today.
Jeff Moyer 1997
For Further Information Contact:
Toni Temple, President (440) 845-1888
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) reviewed several scientific studies about triclosan, an ingredient added to many consumer products to reduce or prevent bacterial contamination. It may be found in clothing, shoes, furniture, toys, and also in products regulated by the FDA that include antibacterial soaps, toothpastes, and some cosmetics.
Animal studies have shown that triclosan alters hormone regulation and can contribute to making bacteria resistant to antibiotics. The FDA, EPA, and other agencies are engaged in ongoing scientific and regulatory review of this ingredient. Ironically, FDA has no evidence that triclosan in antibacterial soaps and body washes provides any benefit over washing with regular soap and water.
The Ohio Network for the Chemically Injured (ONFCI) is a not-for-profit corporation that educates about and advocates on behalf of those who have been harmed by toxic chemicals in our everyday environment. During Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) Awareness and Education Month in May, ONFCI encourages others to be aware of the ways in which people become ill so they can prevent MCS and other health disorders that are caused by preventable and unnecessary exposures to chemicals. Other disorders include but are not limited to: cancer, asthma, diabetes (from pesticides), and Parkinson's.
Michael D. Connell, Registered Pharmacist at Nature's Pharmacy and an ONFCI Board Member stated: "Ingredients in some commercially prepared pre-op laxatives include polyethylene glycol (antifreeze), dyes in artificial flavorings, and preservatives. Safer alternatives can be compounded without unnecessary additives." Ask your medical providers and hospitals to provide you with Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for all medications, surgical supplies, and treatment ingredients and then do your homework. Your pharmacy can provide you with full data on inert and active ingredients in medications. You have the right to ask for less toxic products and safer prescription drugs.
The U.S. EPA's Design for the Environment (DfE) program evaluates data for each chemical and assigns hazard levels for human health and environmental concerns. Bisphenol A (BPA) assessments and studies have shown that BPA is absorbed through the skin and mimics the effects of estrogen. BPA is used in: baby bottles; plastics designed for food and drink containers; the linings of canned foods and drinks; and is also used to coat thermal paper which is used for carbonless cash register, grocery, ATM, gas station, and other receipts. Ask your vendors to use BPA-free receipts.
Libraries participating in MCS Awareness and Education Month include: Cuyahoga County Public Library's 28 branches; the Downtown branch of Cleveland Public Library, Science and Technology Department; and the Brunswick Library. In May many libraries will have displays with related books, mayoral proclamations, and provide other related information.
Many mayors including Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson, Berea Mayor Cyril Kleem, Middleburg Heights Mayor Gary Starr, and Strongsville Mayor Thomas Perciak, will again issue Proclamations supporting MCS Awareness and Education Month.
An ONFCI MCS article was published in the 2011 Ohio Environmental Briefing Book and will be available soon on the Ohio Environmental Council's website at .
For further information about MCS and the ONFCI visit our website at or contact ONFCI at (440) 845-1888.
# # #
Blog Archive
- New plastic chemical study linked to industry
- WHO takes on chronic disease
- May 6 To Be Lawn Pesticide Awareness Day
- Unmuzzle scientists, federal leaders urged
- Crude oil chemical linked to heart defect in babies
- Organic Bytes: Help Stop the Monsanto/USDA Madness!
- Asthma Awareness Month Resources
- "Think Before You Stink!" Shirts Now Available
- MCS America is having a t-shirt designing contest ...
- Hawaii Governor Signs MCS Proclamation and Thanks ...
- American Academy of Pediatrics Policy Statement on...
- Chemical toxicity may be more than meets the eye
- Mexican-American Children Have High Levels of Flam...
- Pardon me. Are you aware of the Fragrance-Free Pol...
- Study finds flame retardants at high levels in pet...
- Green Environments Essential for Human Health, Res...
- New concerns over swine flu jab after children giv...
- Epigenetic changes seen in elderly men after prolo...
- Pediatricians want better chemical laws, but evide...
- Sick and dying workers question safety of Ogden Su...
- Missouri Governor's Council on Disability Fragranc...
- 2011 Winner for CFS Public Service Announcement
- May is MCS Awareness Month and the Theme this Year...
- Turn Off Your Cell Phone Buttons Now Available
- MCS Awareness Month Begins May 1st: Free Planning...
- Got Milk? Got Drugs? Got Both?: State Responds Aft...
- A Year After the Spill, "Unusual" Rise in Health P...
- Grandsons may be affected by old pregnancy drug
- Naturally Dyed Eggs
- Alert on deadly toxins
- Double-blind non-controlled chemical challenge wit...
- They're Poisoning Us: From the Gulf War to the Gul...
- Organic Bytes: Earth Day: Go Organic Save the Planet
- Our 'Toxic' Love-Hate Relationship With Plastics
- Author McKay Jenkins explores unknown toxins in th...
- Do You Know Nutrition: Are plastic linings in cann...
- Dr. Gott gets it wrong about Multiple Chemical Sen...
- Pesky Perfume Spritzers May Be a Dying Breed at De...
- Substitutes for Bisphenol A Could Be More Harmful
- Many Hit by Spill Now Feel Caught in Claim Process
- EPA Proposes Stronger Air Toxic Emissions Standard...
- Brain-wide chemical changes linked to childhood le...
- Foam Alone: Do Furniture Flame Retardants Save Eno...
- NIEHS Strategic Planning
- State of the Knowledge Workshop on ME/CFS Research...
- Mind Games: How toxic chemicals are impairing chi...
- Prostate Cancer and Ambient Pesticide Exposure in ...
- Urban air pollution and emergency room admissions ...
- Deodorants are the leading cause of allergic conta...
- Sick fish suggest oil spill still affecting gulf
- The Green Clean: Eco-mom on a mission to clean but...
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- Organic Bytes: Frankenfoods in Your "Natural" Food...
- Brain injured by breathing
- Sen. Lautenberg Introduces "Safe Chemicals Act of ...
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- Baby Foods Contain Arsenic, Toxic Metals
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- State of the Knowledge Workshop on ME/CFS Research
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- Secondhand smoke may affect kids' mental health
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- California's Toxic Sofas - Give Us a Choice for He...
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- EPA Announces Plan of Action to Address Four IRIS ...
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- Toxic Ingredients in Cleaning Products
- Freeway air pollution linked to brain damage in mice
- Environmental Health Trust Charges Federal Communi...
- The legacy of the Gulf oil spill: analyzing acute ...
- Etiological investigation of unintentional solvent...
- Increased traffic exposure and negative birth outc...
- EPA formaldehyde findings called into question by ...
- Cancer cause or crop aid? Herbicide faces big test
- Reasons to Say No to Smart Meters
- Organic Bytes: Monsanto Madness, GMO Breast Milk, ...
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- Welders may be at increased risk for brain damage
- Did Employer 'Interfere' with FMLA Leave?
- Study Finds Fragrant Cleaning Products May Be Bad ...
- Supreme Court says jury should hear case
- NYC health department unveils new employee rules
- CDC: Free Environmental Public Health Online Cour...
- U.S. government calls for the phase-out of dental ...
- Chemical safety remodel's priority
- First Report on Bioaccumulation and Processing of ...
- New Report: Toxic Chemicals in Consumer Products I...
- Cumulative risk assessment of chemical exposures i...
- Colorado Proclamation: May 2011 Multiple Chemical...