The mission of MCS America (MCSA) is to propagate medical, legal, and social recognition for multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) as a disorder of organic biological origin induced by toxic environmental insults; to provide support and referral services to the individuals with all illnesses of environmental origin; and to ensure that environmental toxicants are identified, reduced, regulated, and enforced through lobbying for effective legislation. © MCS America
Friday, December 31, 2010
Seventh Generation Highlights Its Chemical Free Detergent
"LAUNDRY detergents have promised brighter colors and whiter whites for decades, but one brand of detergent is saying that approach should be hung out to dry.
"She should glow, not her clothes," said a recent print advertisement for laundry detergent made by Seventh Generation, the eco-friendly line, which showed a young girl in a sundress. Along with being nontoxic and biodegradable, the ad says the detergent has no "optical brighteners."
Widely used in detergents for decades, optical brighteners work not because of what they lift out of clothes but rather what they leave behind. The chemicals permeate fabrics, causing them to selectively absorb and fluoresce light to appear more white or vibrant."
The sick building syndrome as a part of the autoimmune (auto-inflammatory) syndrome induced by adjuvants.
The sick building syndrome as a part of the autoimmune (auto-inflammatory) syndrome induced by adjuvants.
Israeli E, Pardo A. Mod Rheumatol. 2010 Dec 29. [Epub ahead of print]
The Chaim Zabludowicz Center for Autoimmune Diseases, Chaim Sheba Medical Center, 52621, Tel-Hashomer, Israel,
PMID: 21188456 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
Plasma neuropeptide Y: a biomarker for symptom severity in chronic fatigue syndrome.
Fletcher MA, Rosenthal M, Antoni M, Ironson G, Zeng XR, Barnes Z, Harvey JM, Hurwitz B, Levis S, Broderick G, Klimas NG. Behav Brain Funct. 2010 Dec 29;6(1):76. [Epub ahead of print]
BACKGROUND: Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is a complex, multi-symptom illness with a multisystem pathogenesis involving alterations in the nervous, endocrine and immune systems. Abnormalities in stress responses have been identified as potential triggers or mediators of CFS symptoms. This study focused on the stress mediator neuropeptide Y (NPY). We hypothesized that NPY would be a useful biomarker for CFS.
METHODS: The CFS patients (n = 93) were from the Chronic Fatigue and Related Disorders Clinic at the University of Miami and met the 1994 case definition of Fukuda and colleagues. Healthy sedentary controls (n = 100)) were from NIH or VA funded studies. Another fatiguing, multi-symptom illness, Gulf War Illness (GWI), was also compared to CFS. We measured NPY in plasma using a radioimmunoassay (RIA). Psychometric measures, available for a subset of CFS patients included: Perceived Stress Scale, Profile of Mood States, ATQ Positive & Negative Self-Talk Scores, the COPE, the Beck Depression Inventory, Fatigue Symptom Inventory, Cognitive Capacity Screening Examination, Medical Outcomes Survey Short Form-36, and the Quality of Life Scale.
RESULTS: Plasma NPY was elevated in CFS subjects, compared to controls (p=.000) and to GWI cases (p=.000). Receiver operating characteristics (ROC) curve analyses indicated that the predictive ability of plasma NPY to distinguish CFS patients from healthy controls and from GWI was significantly better than chance alone. In 42 patients with CFS, plasma NPY had significant correlations (<0.05) with perceived stress, depression, anger/hostility, confusion, negative thoughts, positive thoughts, general health, and cognitive status. In each case the correlation (+ or -) was in the anticipated direction.
CONCLUSIONS: This study is the first in the CFS literature to report that plasma NPY is elevated compared to healthy controls and to a fatigued comparison group, GWI patients. The significant correlations of NPY with stress, negative mood, general health, depression and cognitive function strongly suggest that this peptide be considered as a biomarker to distinguish subsets of CFS.
PMID: 21190576 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
Environmental risk factors for respiratory symptoms and childhood asthma.
Kasznia-Kocot J, Kowalska M, Gorny R, Niesler A, Wypych-Slusarska A.
Department of Epidemiology, School of Public Health, Medical University of Silesia, Piekarska 18, 41-902 Bytom, Poland.
The presented cross-sectional study, comprised a group of 1,130 children from 13-15 years of age living in Upper Silesia, Poland, was undertaken to ascertain the role of environmental factors in the development of adverse respiratory health outcomes. To estimate the prevalence of these effects, the ISAAC questionnaire supplemented by questions related to risk factors was used. Bronchial asthma was identified in 4.5 percent of the children, asthma diagnosed by physicians in 8.7 percent, and prevalence of wheezing in the previous 12 months in 12.6 percent. The highest probability of wheezing was found in children with maternal genetic propensity (such as asthma, allergy), exposed to maternal smoking, or was connected with household risk factors such as the presence of dampness/mould or living in 50-year-old building. Female gender and attendance at nursery school were shown to be protective factors against wheezing. The probability of asthma was nearly twice as high in children residing in damp/mouldy dwellings, heated by coal-fired furnaces and living in the immediate vicinity of a road with heavy traffic. This study revealed that exposure to indoor (tobacco smoke, coal stove emission, mould or dampness in dwelling) and outdoor (traffic pollution) air contaminants are major environmental factors responsible for adverse respiratory health effects in children.
PMID: 21186763 [PubMed - in process]
Organic Bytes: Organic Solutions 2011
Alert Update |
Video of the Week
Videos to Inspire New Year's Resolutions for an Organic Revolution
What we eat, where it comes from, how it was produced, and by whom, have a decisive impact on the world around us. Our food choices determine whether we are causing or alleviating hunger, poor health, environmental destruction, climate change, poverty among farmers, exploitation of farm workers, and abuses of farm animals.
The Organic Consumers Association has identified 12 priorities for action over the next 12 months. These are our New Year's resolutions. We'll be trying to make these priorities official policy at the federal, state and local levels, but they also make a good to-do list for daily living. In hopes of inspiring you, here's an inspirational video that illustrates each.
1. Eat Organic
2. Grow Organic
3. Compost
4. Boycott Factory Farms
5. Support Carbon Farms
6. Defend the Forests
7. Grow Edible Forest Gardens
8. Protect Wild Fish
9. Save the Bees
10. End Exploitation of Farm Workers
11. Promote Local Farmers
12. Learn from First Nations
Little Bytes
Eliot Coleman: Of Course Organic Farming Can Feed the World
Year-Round Farmer's Markets Spreading Across the US
EPA Swats Away Controversy Over Bee-Killing Pesticide
Study Shows Neurobehavioral Deficits in Children of Farmworkers Exposed to Organophosphate Pesticides
Panel Challenges Gulf Seafood Safety All-Clear
HI - Get Involved Locally
- Learn more about OCA related action alerts and other news in HI here.
Message from our Sponsors
Dr. Bronner's is Celebrating Our 60th Anniversary!
Marking the 60th Anniversary of the company, Dr. Bronner's Magic Soaps is pleased to announce that all classic liquid & bar soaps are now not only certified under the USDA National Organic Program, but also certified Fair Trade! In addition, we are pleased to introduce a revolutionary new range of high-quality organic products, from hair rinses to shaving gels – all certified under the same USDA program that certifies organic foods.
Please visit us on the web at
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Every issue of Organic Bytes now goes to 250,000 organic consumers with a thousand new subscribers each week. Please help us and your business by letting our subscribers know who you are and that you support the work of the OCA. Please contact us if you want more information! (Note: select "Sponsorship Coordinator" from the dropdown menu)
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Thursday, December 30, 2010
NEWSLETTER: MCS America News - January 2011
January 2011, Volume 6, Issue 1
Entire PDF Edition: (View, Download, and Print)
Direct Links to Articles Inside This Issue:
A Plan for the Worst
Surviving Surgery and Hospitalization
The Gulf of Mexico is Dying
A Special Report on the BP Oil Spill
Pesticide Poisoning in Preschool Children
A New Pandemic
Sensitivity Related Illnesses
Are You at Risk for MCS?
Household Cleaning May Not Be Healthy
Ion Generators on Air Filters Pollute the Air
Patient Support & Resources
Community News
Featured Research Studies
Multiple Chemical Sensitivities
Copyrighted © 2011 MCS
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Wednesday, December 29, 2010
National Conversation on Public Health and Chemical Exposures, January 5-6, 2011
Canadians in denial about air pollution impact: Study
"The average Canadian is in denial about the impact of air pollution on human health, assuming that it is either a long-term threat or a risk factor for vulnerable parts of the population, says a newly-released federal report."
Arnold Schwarzenegger backs down on gutting of California's Green Chemistry Initiative
Arnold Schwarzenegger backs down on gutting of California's Green Chemistry Initiative
"In the face of withering media coverage in LA Weekly and elsewhere, the Schwarzenegger Administration has pulled an about-face on the gutting of new chemical regulations by the state's Department of Toxic Substances Control."
U-M gets $1.4M for grant on prenatal chemicals
"The University of Michigan has received a $1.4 million, three-year grant to study the effects of prenatal exposure to certain toxins. The Ann Arbor school is opening a center in Detroit to conduct the research."
A Chemical Conundrum: How Dangerous Is Dioxin?
"In December of 1982, the people of Times Beach, Mo., were forced to abandon their town forever because the Environmental Protection Agency found high levels of a chemical called dioxin.
At the time, dioxin was considered one of the world's most dangerous chemicals. But nearly 30 years later, the EPA still can't seem to decide just how dangerous it really is."
Smart meter alert
"It is a shocking travesty that harmful equipment can be placed on one's home, without recourse, in 2010."
Allergic? Dust often, with a mask
Allergic? Dust often, with a mask
ARLINGTON HEIGHTS, Ill., Dec. 28 (UPI) -- U.S. allergy experts say indoor allergy and asthma triggers can include not only dust, pet dander and mold but noxious fumes from an attached garage.
Members of the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology advise moving insecticides, stored gasoline and other irritants to a shed and not running the car in the garage.
Monday, December 27, 2010
PETITION: President Obama: Act now on cancer-causing chemicals
"In a groundbreaking report released in May of 2010, the President's Cancer Panel provided strong confirmation that exposure to toxic chemicals is an important and under-recognized risk factor for cancer, and recommended that the government take immediate action to reverse this trend.
Acknowledging the devastating toll that a cancer diagnosis takes on an individual and a family, the report urges policymakers to shift their focus to reducing environmental cancer risk and enacting stronger chemical regulations.
Don't allow the Obama Administration to ignore this call to act by scientists, physicians, and public health experts. Sign the petition asking President Obama to confront the cancer plague on this nation and make cancer prevention a priority."
Aging mobile homes: Mold is a life-and-death issue
"Fumbling in the darkness, Newton dropped his cell phone as he called his daughter, and fell to the floor of his mobile home. All he could think to yell as he lost consciousness was "Help!" - a cry that probably saved his life.
Newton, 55, a disabled painter, had gone to bed that Friday night in early October feeling good. When he awoke, he was covered in rashes from head to toe, inside his body and out. His esophagus had become so swollen in the short time he had been sleeping that he began choking on his own saliva.
What likely almost killed Newton was mold, a health hazard prevalent in the oldest mobile homes, medical experts say."
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Nerve-Zapping Implants May Help Fibromyalgia Pain
Nerve-Zapping Implants May Help Fibromyalgia Pain
"After 15 years of battling fibromyalgia with medication and exercise, Lisa Simpson still had cramping, spasms, and pain all over her body. "Just to have my 7-pound Chihuahua walk over my legs would cause severe pain," the 37-year-old medical assistant recalls.
Simpson had all but given up on finding relief when, in 2004, she saw a ray of hope. She was working in the office of an anesthesiologist at Griffin Hospital in Derby, Conn., Mark Thimineur, MD, who had begun surgically implanting tiny, nerve-stimulating devices into fibromyalgia patients."
Homeowners aim to clear the air
Or maybe not.
This time of year, with chilly weather here to stay, our homes are buttoned up so tight that the air we're breathing may not be as healthy or fresh as we think it is.
There are chemicals in the cleaning products we've used to make our homes sparkle for holiday guests, and in the air freshener we've been spritzing around to make the house smell festive. Smoke from candles and cozy fireplaces adds to the mix.
"By having houses that aren't well ventilated and are too tight, you can end up with higher levels of various irritants, said Matt Marcum, environmental program manager at the American Lung Association of Illinois."
California to rewrite toxic-chemical regulations
"California will take another stab at writing regulations that limit the toxic chemicals in consumer products after too many people said the rules weren't strict enough."
EMS workers in a fog over disinfectant's feared danger
"It took a few months before officials with the Professional Emergency Medical Services Association of New Jersey (PEMSA) say they put two and two together. In the months after the Monmouth-Ocean Hospital Service Corporation (MONOC) began using newly acquired machines to disinfect its ambulances in May 2009 by pumping the vehicles full of pesticide fog, paramedics began experiencing troubling ailments, PEMSA officials say. PEMSA represents emergency medical personnel across New Jersey."
Christmas Lights Shows
Key Words: multiple chemical sensitivity, chemical sensitivity, chemical sensitivities, multiple chemical sensitivities, MCS, EI, environmental illness, sick building syndrome, idiopathic environmental intolerance, fibromyalgia, chronic fatiuge, FM, CFS, mold illness, clinical ecology, alternative medicine, environmental medicine, neuropathy, encephalopathy, toxic, chemical
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Air pollution: mechanisms of neuroinflammation and CNS disease.
Trends Neurosci. 2009 Sep;32(9):506-16. Epub 2009 Aug 26.
Block ML, Calderón-Garcidueñas L.
Department of Anatomy and Neurobiology, Virginia Commonwealth University Medical Campus, Richmond, VA 23298, USA.
Friday, December 24, 2010
Woman's struggle brings disease to light
"When Charles Town resident Claudia Patterson first started experiencing the symptoms of fibromyalgia, one of her biggest fears was that she would have to abandon the stage."
[Allergic diseases in children and farming environment.]
[Article in French]
Inserm, U707, EPAR, 75012 Paris, France; UPMC, faculté de médecine, université Pierre-et-Marie-Curie-Paris 6, UMR_S 707, EPAR, site Saint-Antoine, 27, rue Chaligny, 75571 Paris cedex 12, France.
PMID: 21163397 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Appeals court: Organic farm can seek damages from pesticide company
"Four years ago, the president of Jacobs Farm/Del Cabo, Larry Jacobs, received an unfortunate phone call from Whole Foods. The retail giant notified him that it was rejecting the organic dill he had sold the chain because his culinary herb had tested positive for pesticides."
Salinas, California: The Salad Bowl of Pesticides
"Locals call this place the world's salad bowl. Dole, Naturipe and Fresh Express are here, where much of the global fruit and vegetable trade emerges in neat green fields just over the hills from the Pacific Coast."
Cosmetics regulation under scrutiny in 2010
"US regulation of cosmetics products has come under scrutiny this year as both consumer groups and the industry have made calls to improve the current system.
Currently, cosmetic products are covered by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) under the application of the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act, and 2010 has seen a number of calls to tighten the control of the regulatory body on the industry."
EPA Provides Public with Easier Access to Chemical Information
Is Exposure Making You Sick?
"There is no question that a large and growing number of people have developed illnesses largely caused from present-day environmental chemicals. Whether you have arthritis, memory difficulties, heart trouble, thyroid weakness, or one of a myriad of other chronic idiopathic (arising spontaneously or from an obscure or unknown cause) illnesses, exposure to chemicals may be to blame."
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Risky Business: EPA Builds List of Potentially Dangerous Chemicals
"As the rates of learning disabilities, autism and related conditions rise, the Environmental Protection Agency is preparing to release a roster of the pollutants likely to contribute to these or other neurological disorders.
In an ongoing, three-year effort, an EPA team has determined which developmental neurotoxicants -- chemicals that damage a fetal and infant brain -- may pose the biggest risk to the American public.
Some compounds on the EPA's list are ubiquitous in household products, drinking water, medicine, and within the environment. They range from cadmium, used to etch colorful cartoons onto children's glasses, to flame retardants used to fireproof upholstered furniture."
Organic Bytes: Coexistence with Monsanto: Hell No!
Three Steps Necessary to Stop GMO Contamination of Organics
- No new GMOs! The federal government doesn't safety-test new GMOs to see whether they're safe to eat, whether they'll cause problems on the farm, or whether they'll harm the environment. Unless GMOs are proven safe, they shouldn't be approved.
- Strict liability! Who should pay when organic crops are contaminated with GMOs? Or when a GMO food triggers an allergy? Or when farm workers and their families are made sick by the herbicides GMO crops require? Or when farmers lose crops because Monsanto's crops and herbicides have destroyed their soil, left their plants vulnerable to disease, and spawned herbicide-resistant super-weeds. Monsanto the polluter should pay! The biotech and chemical companies should pay for the harms their products cause, not the consumer, the taxpayer, the farm worker or the farmer!
- Truth-in-Labeling! Consumers can't make informed decisions on what to eat until all foods containing GMOs are properly labeled. Allergies, illnesses and the long-term public health impacts attributable to GMOs will be impossible to track until GMO foods are labeled and we know who's eating them. Help the OCA stop new GMOs, make GMO labels mandatory, and make Monsanto pay for GMO contamination.
Help the OCA stop new GMOs, make GMO labels mandatory, and make Monsanto pay for GMO contamination.
Please Make Your Year-End Donation Today
Alert of the Week
Stop GMO Contamination of Organic!
Monsanto can't plant its new herbicide-resistant GM alfalfa because the courts say the Bush Administration's approval of the crop was illegal. Bush's USDA failed to conduct an Environmental Impact Statement. Obama's USDA is trying to help Monsanto get its seeds out of the courts and into the fields by making slight adjustments to "business as usual." They've produced an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) that finally acknowledges the problem of GMO contamination for organic and other non-GM crops, and proposes ways to prevent this, including geographical restrictions and buffer zones for GM alfalfa seed and hay production. These limits on GM alfalfa production would be the first significant regulation of GMO crops. Corn, soy, cotton, and canola are currently grown without any restrictions and there's nothing to stop organic varieties of these crops from being contaminated. In this respect, the Obama USDA's proposal is a positive step forward, but it doesn't go far enough to protect farmers or consumers.
First, it assumes that GM alfalfa is safe for farm animals to consume, that GM alfalfa sprouts are safe to eat, that humans can be safely exposed to modified alfalfa genes in milk and meat, and that herbicide-resistant alfalfa is safe for the environment. But the USDA hasn't researched the safety of GM alfalfa, even though it is widely known that GM foods are more likely to trigger allergies; that GM foods are less nutritious; often toxic to lab and farm animals; and capable of contaminating human digestive bacteria. The USDA is also overlooking evidence that herbicide-resistant crops destroy soil, reduce soil capacity to sequester greenhouse gases, make crops more vulnerable to disease, increase herbicide use, and spawn super-weeds that turn farmers to herbicides that are even more dangerous than RoundUp.
Second, while the EIS suggests ways to prevent contamination, it doesn't say what the remedy will be when the geographical restrictions and buffer zones fail to protect organic and other non-GM farmers from contamination. In the past, Monsanto has successfully sued contaminated farmers, claiming they stole Monsanto's patented GMO traits. The USDA must make clear that Monsanto would be strictly liable for contamination.
Finally, the EIS doesn't consider the right of consumers to choose whether or not to eat GM food. The USDA must require mandatory GM labels. This is also the only way to track the public health damage of GMOs in the food supply. If the USDA won't safety-test GM foods then at least they can inform consumers of how to avoid them and monitor the collateral damage to people who eat GMOs.
Please write to the USDA to tell them what you think of their new Environmental Impact Statement before the comment period ends on January 23, 2011.
Video of the Week
The Secret Life of Beef
How does eating feedlot beef contribute to the greenhouse gas emissions that are threatening to turn climate change into climate catastrophe? How does industrial meat production impact our soil, air and water? Watch the Secret Life of Beef to find out why you should boycott Food Inc.'s industrial beef.
Little Bytes
Consumers Less Likely to Trust So-Called 'Natural' Product Label Claims
FDA Trying Voluntary Restrictions on Antibiotics
Destruction of GM Sugar Beet Crops Delayed Following Appeal by Monsanto
House Passes Final Food Safety Bill
Turning Agriculture from Problem to Solution
HI - Get Involved Locally
- Learn more about OCA related action alerts and other news in HI here.
Message from our Sponsors
Eden Foods Offers OCA Customers 15% Discount
Eden Foods is one of the few national organic food producers who goes beyond the USDA Organic Standards. Although Eden Foods is USDA certified, their products do not bear the USDA seal, because they say the USDA standard really represents a "minimum standard" that Eden Foods goes far beyond.
As a subscriber to Organic Bytes, you can enjoy a 15% discount rate on any Eden Foods products by going here.
Become an OCA Sponsor!
Every issue of Organic Bytes now goes to 250,000 organic consumers with a thousand new subscribers each week. Please help us and your business by letting our subscribers know who you are and that you support the work of the OCA. Please contact us if you want more information! (Note: select "Sponsorship Coordinator" from the dropdown menu)
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Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Campaigners target sandblasted jeans on health grounds,,6362209,00.html
"Campaigners are eager to put an end to the practice of sandblasting jeans because of a link with the disease silicosis. In Turkey, where the practice is now banned, thousands of ex-workers are thought to be suffering."
EPA to Inspect City Classrooms for PCBs
"In an escalating dispute with New York City education officials, federal authorities say they will soon begin inspecting classrooms for PCB contamination because the city is downplaying the potential danger to children."
How can innovations in technology and research reduce exposures to toxic chemicals?
"Reducing the health risks from toxic chemicals in the environment is a complex project involving a multi-tiered approach. One approach is to address the consequences of chemical exposure after the fact, such as by advancing the treatments of illnesses that result from toxic chemical exposure. While this may have valuable health benefits, it is an inefficient way to reduce health risks. Another approach is to try to prevent exposure to toxic chemicals already in the environment, such as through abatement and clean-up of toxic waste dumps, or by urging consumers to use caution in the store aisles. Again, this is important to the individual citizen living next to a waste site, and the individual consumer at the check-out counter, but it is a relatively inefficient way to address the health effects of toxic chemical exposure. Yet another approach is to try to prevent toxic chemicals from gaining entry to the market, such as by limiting the introduction of toxic chemicals into commerce. This approach takes prevention to a more basic level. But what if we tried to address toxic chemicals at the most primary level of prevention by preventing them from being invented? Environmental health experts and chemical engineers working on fundamental prevention have explored the ways in which technology and research can shepherd in a decidedly new chemical era, one that does not compromise human health. This month, our contributors explain more about how engineering technology and research on toxic chemicals may be harnessed to protect the public health."
Monday, December 20, 2010
Serum Fluoride Level and Children's Intelligence Quotient in Two Villages in China;jsessionid=F0787068E7DA57D46BBBF7D712A3209F?articleURI=info%3Adoi%2F10.1289%2Fehp.1003171#top
Xiang Q, Liang Y, Chen B 2010. Serum Fluoride Level and Children's Intelligence Quotient in Two Villages in China. Environ Health Perspect :-. doi:10.1289/ehp.1003171
Background: Animal studies show that brain fluoride levels increase with increasing exposure to fluoride. Human studies have indicated an association between high levels of drinking-water fluoride and lower intelligence. Data on the association between serum fluoride and children's intelligence quotient (IQ) are limited.
Objective: This study was conducted to assess the relationship between serum fluoride and children's IQ.
Methods: We collected blood samples from 512 children aged 8-13 years from two villages (Wamiao and Xinhuai) in China. We also used minitype fluoride ion selective electrode and Combined Raven's Test for Rural China (CRT-RC) to measure serum fluoride and children's IQ.
Results: In Wamiao, the mean (± SD) concentration of fluoride in serum was 0.081± 0.019 mg/L, and average children's IQ was 92.02 ± 13.00; in Xinhuai, fluoride concentration was 0.041 ± 0.009 mg/L and average IQ was 100.41 ± 13.21. The regression coefficients between serum fluoride and children's IQ were 0.163 (p = 0.015) in Wiamiao, and 0.054 (p = 0.362) in Xinhuai. Serum fluoride levels were negatively associated with IQ after adjusted for age and sex, the ORs for IQ < 80 across groups with serum fluoride measuring < 0.05, 0.050.08, > 0.08 mg/L were 1, 2.22 (95% confidence interval: 1.423.47), and 2.48 (95% confidence interval: 1.853.32) (p for trend < 0.001) respectively. IQ was not related to family income and parent's education level. There was a significant positive relation between serum fluoride and drinking-water fluoride.
Conclusions: The results indicated that fluoride in drinking water was highly correlated with serum fluoride, and higher fluoride exposure may affect intelligence among children.
Blog Archive
- Happy New Year!
- Seventh Generation Highlights Its Chemical Free De...
- The sick building syndrome as a part of the autoim...
- Plasma neuropeptide Y: a biomarker for symptom sev...
- Environmental risk factors for respiratory symptom...
- Organic Bytes: Organic Solutions 2011
- NEWSLETTER: MCS America News - January 2011
- National Conversation on Public Health and Chemica...
- Canadians in denial about air pollution impact: Study
- Arnold Schwarzenegger backs down on gutting of Cal...
- U-M gets $1.4M for grant on prenatal chemicals
- A Chemical Conundrum: How Dangerous Is Dioxin?
- Smart meter alert
- Allergic? Dust often, with a mask
- PETITION: President Obama: Act now on cancer-caus...
- Aging mobile homes: Mold is a life-and-death issue
- Nerve-Zapping Implants May Help Fibromyalgia Pain
- Homeowners aim to clear the air
- California to rewrite toxic-chemical regulations
- EMS workers in a fog over disinfectant's feared da...
- Christmas Lights Shows
- Air pollution: mechanisms of neuroinflammation and...
- Woman's struggle brings disease to light
- [Allergic diseases in children and farming environ...
- Appeals court: Organic farm can seek damages from ...
- Salinas, California: The Salad Bowl of Pesticides
- Cosmetics regulation under scrutiny in 2010
- EPA Provides Public with Easier Access to Chemical...
- Is Exposure Making You Sick?
- Risky Business: EPA Builds List of Potentially Dan...
- Organic Bytes: Coexistence with Monsanto: Hell No!
- Campaigners target sandblasted jeans on health gro...
- EPA to Inspect City Classrooms for PCBs
- How can innovations in technology and research red...
- Serum Fluoride Level and Children's Intelligence Q...
- Controversial autism researcher tells local Somali...
- Fast Lane to Autism: Living Near Freeways
- Ten Ways to Avoid Christmas Tree and Holiday Aller...
- Ten Steps to a Less Toxic Future
- CONFERENCE: Making the Connection 2011: Translati...
- Toxic Toys Create Silver Lining for Green Toy Comp...
- Ski wax chemicals build up in people's blood, pose...
- Kroger recalls dog, cat food varieties that may co...
- Kids Who Live in Incense Burning Households Face H...
- Do you know what's in your coffee?
- Precautions may ease sensitivities
- Sustainable Living: The lowdown on Toxics
- California Court: Toxic Pet Products Must Have War...
- EPA and European Chemicals Agency Sign Agreement t...
- EPA Analysis Shows Reduction in 2009 Toxic Chemica...
- Exposure patterns of UV filters, fragrances, parab...
- Sensitivity-related illness: the escalating pandem...
- American-Made Drywall Emerges as Potential Danger
- Mother May Try Again in Pesticide Toxicity Case
- Oh Christmas tree, please be allergy free
- Windham woman decries 'smart meter' installation
- Cellular Inflammatory Responses to Indoor-Source P...
- PETITION: Pull Bayer's bee-killing pesticide.
- Organic Bytes: Cultivating and Expanding Organic
- Neil Shapiro: FDA has slim reach over cosmetics
- Dirty Little Secret in Natural Soyfoods Industry -...
- Land of Leather 'toxic sofa' customers win payout
- Allergy Treatments Containing Aluminum May Cause N...
- Scientists: Asthma Sufferers Often Have Garden Mol...
- [The role of depression in cognitive inpairment in...
- National Conversation on Public Health and Chemica...
- Christmas trees and decorations may trigger allergies
- Corporate Failures Not Enough to Trigger Meaningfu...
- Rat poisons endanger 10,000 U.S. children every year
- Pesticide poisoning in a preschool child: a case s...
- U.S. Court of Appeals Rules Against the Texas Medi...
- What you can't see
- Viruses and Virus Nucleic Acid Contaminate Many Va...
- FDA Hearing on Mercury-Based Fillings Will Questio...
- When Wrinkle-Free Clothing Also Means Formaldehyde...
- Perchlorate in Drinking Water During Pregnancy and...
- State study: Low levels of perchlorate affect infants
- Beyond Peanut Butter
- UPDATE: After CMP defends 'smart' meters, Scarboro...
- Huffman Introduces Bill to Require SmartMeter Opt-Out
- The Bad Daddy Factor
- Be wary of scents at holiday parties
- Republicans Block U.S. Health Aid for 9/11 Workers
- Beekeepers want government to pull pesticide
- Radiation Rules Differ for Humans and Pets
- Public interest group names 'toxic' toys
- Incense burning tied to asthma risk in some kids
- Controversial chemical BPA found on paper money
- Working With Pesticides May Affect Memory and More
- Mercury Quick Facts: Health Effects of Mercury Ex...
- Air pollution tied to babies' ear infection risk
- TSA workers, experts worry about radiation exposure
- Study links cellphones to child misbehavior
- Study: Flame retardant found in small butter sample
- Consumer Reports Warns Pregnant Women Against Cann...
- Surviving the Holidays - A Guide for Those Living ...
- Indoor air testing expands in Pompton Lakes
- Edgy Mama: Toxic toys ... research before you buy
- NIH-Sponsored Panel Issues Comprehensive U.S. Food...
- Smart Mama Jennifer Taggart aims to get the lead o...