Department of Pediatrics, Division of Child and Adolescent Neurology and The Children's Learning Institute, University of Texas Health Science Center Houston, TX, USA.
The mission of MCS America (MCSA) is to propagate medical, legal, and social recognition for multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) as a disorder of organic biological origin induced by toxic environmental insults; to provide support and referral services to the individuals with all illnesses of environmental origin; and to ensure that environmental toxicants are identified, reduced, regulated, and enforced through lobbying for effective legislation. © MCS America
Friday, July 30, 2010
Central tetrahydrobiopterin concentration in neurodevelopmental disorders.
Department of Pediatrics, Division of Child and Adolescent Neurology and The Children's Learning Institute, University of Texas Health Science Center Houston, TX, USA.
Jet fuel toxicity: skin damage measured by 900-MHz MRI skin microscopy and visualization by 3D MR image processing.
Center for Interdisciplinary Magnetic Resonance, National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL 32310, USA; Department of Chemical-Biomedical Engineering, FAMU-FSU College of Engineering, Tallahassee, FL 32310, USA.
The toxicity of jet fuels was measured using noninvasive magnetic resonance microimaging (MRM) at 900-MHz magnetic field. The hypothesis was that MRM can visualize and measure the epidermis exfoliation and hair follicle size of rat skin tissue due to toxic skin irritation after skin exposure to jet fuels.
PMID: 20663627 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
Ambient air pollution exposure and full-term birth weight in California.
Woman who has chemical sensitivity objects to planned mosquito spraying
"For Joelene Patterson, contact with chemicals can mean an asthma attack, hives, a rash and a trip to the hospital."
Chemicals in rivers linked to sexual changes in fish, researchers say
"Alberta researchers say gender-bending fish swimming in the province's southern rivers raise serious questions about whether the water is safe for people to drink."
Research Shows Controversial Illness is Real and Treatable
"Today, Policyholders of America (POA) released a consensus statement written by treating physicians and researchers in the field on the mechanism and treatment of illness found in people sickened by exposure to water-damaged buildings. This illness has been the subject of heated debate that has resulted in harsh allegations being lobbed at patients by experts hired by industry to cast doubt on the legitimacy of the illness. Today however, so-called "Sick Building Syndrome" is now unveiled to be very real; it's a chronic inflammatory illness that is easily identified with available lab testing and treatable using FDA-approved medications. The research paper is the first in the field written by physicians with experience treating the illness. Thorough and rigorous, the paper references governmental agency opinions, current published literature and an extensive review of patient data that has made this subject a political and legal hot potato obstructing patient care."
Chicken producers debate 'natural' label
"A disagreement among poultry producers about whether chicken injected with salt, water and other ingredients can be promoted as "natural" has prompted federal officials to consider changing labeling guidelines."
House rejects bill to aid sick 9/11 responders
"A bill that would have provided up to $7.4 billion in aid to people sickened by World Trade Center dust fell short in the House on Thursday, raising the possibility that the bulk of compensation for the ill will come from a legal settlement hammered out in the federal courts."
EPA Announces $16 Million in Brownfields Funds to Clean up Communities
"The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced more than $16 million in supplemental funding for cleanup efforts at contaminated sites known as brownfields. Communities representing 27 state or local governments were chosen to receive the supplemental funding, which will help them carry out cleanup activities, redevelopment projects, and create jobs for people living near brownfields sites. Brownfields are sites where expansion, redevelopment, or reuse may be complicated by the presence or potential presence of a hazardous substance, pollutant, or contaminant."
NEWSLETTER: MCS America News - August 2010
August 2010, Volume 5, Issue 8
Entire PDF Edition: (View, Download, and Print)
Direct Links to Articles Inside This Issue:
Clinical Markers Confirm Multiple Chemical Sensitivity and Validate Environmental Medicine Approach
Time to Look at Your Home in a Different Light: The Bedroom
BP's Toxic Chemical Poisoning: Enough is Enough!
Reduced Formaldehyde Furniture: A Price Consumers are Willing to Pay
Gardasil: To Vaccinate or Not?
Scented Toys Pose Risk to Children
Sarin Harmed Soliders' Brain Structure and Function
Patient Support & Resources
Community News
Featured Research Studies
Multiple Chemical Sensitivities
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Damp house linked to kids' risk of nasal allergies
"Children who live in damp, water-damaged homes may be more likely than other kids to develop nasal allergies, a new study suggests."
EPA Urges House To Pass Bill On Toxic Substances Control
"The Obama administration and environmental advocates urged a House panel Thursday to pass legislation that would give more power to the Environmental Protection Agency to regulate chemicals, while representatives from the chemical industry insisted the law would be a job killer."
Oil causes 2,200 Gulf beach closings, warnings
"Gulf beaches from Louisiana to the Florida Panhandle were closed or slapped with health warnings nearly 10 times more often this summer than last because of oil from BP's massive deepwater leak, according to a report Wednesday by a national environmental group."
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Health group sues FDA over antimicrobial soap
"A nonprofit environmental group has sued the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, claiming the agency failed to regulate toxic chemicals found in "antimicrobial" soap and other personal care products."
CDC's National Report on Human Exposure to Environmental Chemicals, Updated Tables, July 2010
"Today, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) posted on its website updated data tables for the National Report on Human Exposure to Environmental Chemicals, an ongoing assessment of the U.S. population's exposure to environmental chemicals using laboratory technology known as biomonitoring."
EPA Publishes Latest Data on Industrial and Toxics Releases in the U.S.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
A new 'green' painting option
"Moorestown residents looking to paint their homes now have an environmentally responsible option. The Rainer Painting Company, owned by local resident Joe Rainer, offers organic paint options for indoor painting projects."
Large metro duck die-off blamed on chemicals
"Chemicals prevalent in everyday products may be partly to blame for the deaths of more than 1,000 ducks during the winters of 2007 and 2008, according to a study released Tuesday by federal wildlife officials."
Growing Health Crisis in Gulf of Mexico T.I.L.T.
Key Words: multiple chemical sensitivity, chemical sensitivity, chemical sensitivities, multiple chemical sensitivities, MCS, EI, environmental illness, sick building syndrome, idiopathic environmental intolerance, fibromyalgia, chronic fatiuge, FM, CFS, mold illness, clinical ecology, alternative medicine, environmental medicine, neuropathy, encephalopathy, toxic, chemical
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Disputed chemical bisphenol-A found in paper receipts
"As lawmakers and health experts wrestle over whether a controversial chemical, bisphenol-A, should be banned from food and beverage containers, a new analysis by an environmental group suggests Americans are being exposed to BPA through another, surprising route: paper receipts."
Radiation Questions Over a Body Scanner
"IN about two years, if all goes according to the plans of the Transportation Security Administration, those vintage airport magnetometer metal detectors will be replaced by electronic body scanner machines at all 2,200 security checkpoints in all 450 commercial airports in the United States."
URGENT ACTION: Spanish patient with chronic mercury intoxication goes on hunger strike
As of yesterday, July 26, 2010, Professor Servando Perez, President of Mercuriados Spain (people affected by chronic mercury intoxication), has began a hunger strike. Prof Perez was diagnosed two years ago as having Chronic Mercury Intoxication and Multiple Chemical Sensitivities (MCS). His case went to the highest court in Spain and a judged ruled that Prof Perez had chronic mercury intoxicaton due to dental fillings and that the Spanish public health care system (Social Security) should treat his condition with chelation or refer him to a private clinic to do so and pay the costs. This was an incredible legal precendent.
Needless to say that Professor Perez has not been treated yet and the Social Security has been doing everything possible to make sure that him, as with other MCS, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Myalgic Encephylitis and Fibromyalgia patients in Spain, do not receive proper medical services from the public health care system.
Because of this, Mercuriados Spain and many other associations, we have been carrying out campaigns, popular initatives, lobbying, legal suits, and may other strategies to change this situation. But with no positive results.
Professor Perez' health has deteriorated and a month ago he went to emergency at the Santiago de Compostela University Hospital. They refused to attend him and he said he would not leave the hospital until the judge's order for a chelation was carried out.
In the past month, at the hospital, Prof Perez has endured all kinds of harrassment and pressures to leave. He has even been "diagnosed" as having a psyquiatric illness despite the fact that his illness is organic.
We, the Spanish MCS, CFS/ME and FMS associations have mounted a campaign to support Prof Perez with emails, phone calls to the hospital, press, etc.
And now, the latest harrassing strategy by the hospital is to refuse to give him food without additives. Faced with all of this, Servando Perez has started a hunger strike. Yes, he could try to get a bank loan and pay for a private chelation, but this would not help the rest of us ill people in Spain waiting to get treatment in the public health care system. The hospital says that they refuse to refer him to a private clinic (and pick up the tab) because it would set a precedent, and soon all the people with chronic heavy metal intoxication in Spain would have to be treated. And they don't want to do that with our tax money.
Servando Perez has opted for the brave and hard road to try to change the desperate situation we live with in Spain, those of us with these illnesses. And we are proud of Servando's action.
We write you to inform you and to ask you for your support.
Please write or phone the Subdirector of the Hospital Santiago de CompoDr Jose-Ramón Gómez at
stela, Dr Jose-Ramón Gómez at
or phone him at (34) 98.1950970.
We are all Servando Perez!
Thank you,
Clara Valverde
Liga SFC (CFS/ME League, Spain)
Monday, July 26, 2010
Report: Children's exposure to toxic chemicals costs Michigan billions
"Lansing -- Michigan could save billions annually by protecting children from exposure to environmental hazards, according to a study released today.
Disabilities debate rages 20 years later
Activists frustrated at Obama's environmental record
"Environmental activists were delighted to have Barack Obama replace George W. Bush as president. But greens are increasingly unhappy with Obama's record especially on climate change."
Urban air pollutants may damage IQs before baby's first breath, scientists say
"In a sweltering summer in New York City back in 1999, Yolanda Baldwin was eight months pregnant with her first child. She lived near a gas station and across the street from an intersection choked with exhaust-spewing cars and buses. Sometimes the air was so thick with pollution that she could see it, breathe it, smell it, even taste it. And she often wondered what it might be doing to her unborn child."
JAN Newsletter, Volume 8, Issue 3, Third Quarter 2010
E-News topics include:
1.A Step by Step Process Can Be Useful in the Workplace
2.Aging as Windows Ages
3.Confidentiality and Travel Accommodations for Hidden Disabilities
4.Accommodating Voice Disorders in the Workplace
5.Report from EXCEL
6.JAN Releases New Resources
8.JAN Exhibit and Training Schedule
9.Subscribe to JAN Newsletter
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Ear aches: Noise pollution rattles nerves, harms health
"Turn down the volume to save your hearingOrinda couple revs up fight against leaf blowers"
U.S. farmers may face crackdown on pesticide use
"The nation's farmers could face severe restrictions on the use of pesticides as environmentalists, spurred by a favorable ruling from a judge in Washington state, want the courts to force federal regulators to protect endangered species from the ill effects of agricultural chemicals."
Some Cosmetics Contain Toxic Chemicals
"Bill Introduced In Congress To Regulate Harmful Ingredients"
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Hawaii Proclaimed July 2010 Toxic Injury Awareness and Education Month!

Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) is mentioned in the first line as being synonymous with Toxic Injury.
This is the first time in 4 years anyone has been able to have a proclamation signed in Hawaii!
Thank you Governor Lingle and Lieutenant Governor Aiona for addressing toxic injuries, such as MCS, in Hawaii!
A Hawaii Citizens Conference on toxics and MCS is planned for July 28th on the island of Oahu. There will be sign waving at the capitol building, plus speakers at Ala Moana park. Please join the festivities!
Students, Parents, Teachers - Please join us!
Let’s SIGN WAVE at the Hawaii State Capitol, Beretania Sidewalk
EVENT: Hawaii Citizens Conference
SUBJECT: Toxic Awareness And Education. Let’s Keep Hawaii Clean For All Generations!
DATE: Wednesday, July 28th, 10 am to 11 am
ACTIVITY: Picnic At Ala Moana Beach Park, Magic Island Starting At 11:30 Am, “Bring Your Own Bento/Plate Lunch.” Guest Speakers Are Scheduled – Q & A, Informational Flyers, And Community Service Certificates Will Be Handed Out.
SUPPORTED BY: Sierra Club, American Heart Association, American Lung Association, MCS Hawaii.
Contact: Sue at (808) 927-1019 for more information.
How Safe are Cosmetics? 8 Myths You Shouldn't Believe
"The new Story of Cosmetics video explains why personal care products in the United States contain untested and downright dangerous ingredients.
The (very) good news is the U.S. House of Representatives just introduced a bill to fix all that. But in the meantime (until they pass it!), make sure you don't fall prey to these common myths:"
Tetrahydrobiopterin as a Novel Therapeutic Intervention for Autism .
Division of Child and Adolescent Neurology and The Children's Learning Institute, Department of Pediatrics, University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, Houston, Texas 77030.
Radon in indoor spaces: an underestimated risk factor for lung cancer in environmental medicine.
Schmid K, Kuwert T, Drexler H. Dtsch Arztebl Int. 2010 Mar;107(11):181-6. Epub 2010 Mar 19.
Institut für Arbeits-, Sozial- und Umweltmedizin der Universität Erlangen- Nürnberg, Erlangen, Germany.
PMCID: PMC2853156 Free PMC Article
Results of a long-term study of vapor intrusion at four large buildings at the NASA Ames Research Center.
Brenner D. J Air Waste Manag Assoc. 2010 Jun;60(6):747-58.
Neptune and Company, Inc., Los Alamos, NM 87544, USA.
PMID: 20565001 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Indoor air quality modeling for PM(10), PM (2.5), and PM (1.0) in naturally ventilated classrooms of an urban Indian school building.
Goyal R, Khare M. Environ Monit Assess. 2010 Jul 16. [Epub ahead of print]
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, New Delhi, India,
PMID: 20635200 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
Neurotoxicity of fungal volatile organic compounds in Drosophila melanogaster.
Inamdar AA, Masurekar P, Bennett JW. Toxicol Sci. 2010 Jul 19. [Epub ahead of print]
Department of Plant Biology and Pathology, Rutgers University, New Jersey.
Many volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are found in indoor environment as products of microbial metabolism. In damp indoor environments, fungi are associated with poor air quality. Some epidemiological studies have suggested that microbial VOCs have a negative impact on human health. Our study was designed to provide a reductionist approach towards studying fungal VOC-mediated toxicity using the inexpensive model organism, Drosophila melanogaster and pure chemical standards of several important fungal VOCs. Low concentrations of the following known fungal VOCs: 0.1% of 1-octen-3-ol and 0.5% of 2-octanone, 2,5 dimethylfuran, 3-octanol and trans-2-octenal caused locomotory defects and changes in GFP- and antigen-labeled dopaminergic neurons in adult Drosophila melanogaster. Locomotory defects could be partially rescued with L-DOPA. Ingestion of the antioxidant, Vitamin E, improved the survival span and delayed the VOC-mediated changes in dopaminergic neurons indicating that the VOC-mediated toxicity was due, in part, to generation of reactive oxygen species.
PMID: 20643751 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
UCLA Study finds irritable bowel syndrome is not psychological
"Finding removes the idea once and for all that IBS symptoms are not real and are "only psychological"
What's all the 'chlorpyri-fuss' about? We filed a lawsuit to ban it!
"Today NRDC filed a lawsuit against EPA for 'unreasonable delay and failing to act' on our 2007 petition to cancel one of the most hazardous pesticides on the market, chlorpyrifos. Yay NRDC, and our partners in this lawsuit, Pesticide Action Network North America, and Earthjustice."
Friday, July 23, 2010
Flame retardants in house dust match residents blood levels.
"People who live in houses with higher levels of flame retardant chemicals in the dust have themselves higher levels of the chemicals in their blood, a finding that implicates dust as a major exposure source for the compounds."
Federal suit seeks ban of common pesticide
"Two environmental groups sued the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency on Thursday, demanding that the federal government decide whether to ban a widely used pesticide that has been linked to illnesses, including asthma and developmental problems such as attention deficit disorder."
Smog Might Trigger Cell Death in the Heart, Study Finds
"An early study in rats provides the first direct indication that a major component of smog might trigger cell death in the heart, researchers reported at the American Heart Association's Basic Cardiovascular Sciences 2010 Scientific Sessions -- Technological and Conceptual Advances in Cardiovascular Disease."
EPA Awards $5.6 Million to Spur New Clean Diesel Technologies
EPA Awards $5.6 Million to Spur New Clean Diesel Technologies
More information on the National Clean Diesel Campaign:
More information about fuel savings and reducing the carbon footprint of vehicles:
Swimming pool disinfectants linked to cancer
"Swimming pools can give you cancer, because disinfectants in the water react with sunscreen, sweat, and skin to form a toxic cocktail of chemicals, a study has suggested.
The disinfectant used to keep pool water free from disease can also react with swimmers' urine and hair to cause conditions including asthma and bladder cancer.
Bill targets hazardous ingredients in cosmetics
"Illinois Rep. Jan Schakowsky introduced legislation this week that would toughen safety standards for cosmetics, including requiring regular government testing of products for hazardous ingredients."
Use of Household Cleaners Linked to Increased Risk of Breast Cancer
National Conversation Leadership Council Teleconference - July 27, 2010, 2pm
The National Conversation is making great progress - stay tuned for a project update next week!
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Multiple Chemical Sensitivity Guidelines for South Australian Hospitals
Multiple Chemical Sensitivity Guidelines for South Australian Hospitals
"The need for Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) guidelines for South Australian health services was first raised by people with MCS.
Several groups and individuals should be acknowledged for their significant efforts in raising awareness for the need for MCS guidelines in South Australia and for their commitment to extending the knowledge base relating to MCS. These groups include the SA Task Force on MCS, the consumer group, and the MCS Reference Group which includes consumers, clinicians, Local and State Government representatives, and the Myalgicencephalopathy/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) Society of SA. The MCS Reference Group is now active in addressing issues around local Council use of pesticides, and will also serve as a forum for information exchange, particularly aetiological, clinical, and toxicological information.
In response to the Social Development Committee Parliamentary Review of MCS, the Department of Health was directed to develop MCS guidelines for SA hospitals. A review of national and international literature and MCS hospital guidelines was conducted that resulted in the decision to adopt the Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital MCS Guidelines, and adapt these for use by South Australian Hospitals."
The Reckless Self-Interest of the Fragrance Industry
"The Cancer Prevention Coalition has warned that people must be protected from exposure to fragrance ingredients that may cause cancer or fetal, hormonal or reproductive toxicity. But federal agencies are not regulating these ingredients, leaving the public at risk."
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Keeping a House Too Clean could Cause Breast Cancer
"According to breast cancer researchers at the American Silent Spring Institute, women who overuse household cleaning products could be twice as likely to get breast cancer. The researchers say that cleaners that combat mold, mildew and foul-smelling air are the ones to watch out for."
The Story of Cosmetics (2010)
Key Words: multiple chemical sensitivity, chemical sensitivity, chemical sensitivities, multiple chemical sensitivities, MCS, EI, environmental illness, sick building syndrome, idiopathic environmental intolerance, fibromyalgia, chronic fatiuge, FM, CFS, mold illness, clinical ecology, alternative medicine, environmental medicine, neuropathy, encephalopathy, toxic, chemical
Alaska Supreme Court Issues Restraining Order on Herbicide Spraying By Railroad
"Alaska's Supreme Court halted plans to use glyphosate to kill weeds along track owned by the Alaska Railroad, which is believed to be the only herbicide-free stretch of rail in the country. This decision is in response to an emergency petition filed by Alaska Community Action on Toxics (ACAT) and others against the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation and the Alaska Railroad Corporation (ARC) who requested the use of glyphosate for weed control."
Toxic Living: Going green with household products
"Toxic chemicals in the home can be eliminated by simply changing your cleaning products. They are filled with harsh fumes and ingredients that could land you in the hospital, if you aren't careful."
Could PCBs Help Boost Blood Pressure?
"People in an Alabama city who had higher levels of the chemicals known as PCBs in their bodies were much more likely to have high blood pressure, a recent study found, but it's not clear if the PCBs actually caused their hypertension."
Traffic Pollution Linked to Risk Factor for Sudden Cardiac Death
"High exposures tied to reduced heart rate variability in those with lung, heart disease, researchers find"
Parents Can Help Limit Kids' Exposure to Medical Imaging
"Expert advises asking some questions before allowing X-rays or CT scans"
ACTION: Support the Safe Cosmetics Act of 2010
"Lead in lipstick? Cancer-causing chemicals in baby shampoo? Chemicals linked to birth defects, fertility problems, and hormone imbalance in your lotion, sunscreen, and cosmetics? It's time to fix it.
We have the opportunity right now to make sure that products we put on our bodies and safe and free from harmful chemicals. Now Congress needs to hear from you how incredibly important this is!"
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Toxic Living: Dangers of plastics and lead to children
"Did you know, nearly 4,000 children are diagnosed with lead poisoning each year in Cuyahoga County alone? And some plastic products can also be just as toxic."
The ugly side of beauty, some cosmetics can be toxic
"It didn't get much attention nationally, just a few paragraphs in papers such as the Kennebec Journal and a segment on the local news. But the quiet protest by a group of high school and college students in Waterville, Maine, in February was one of a growing number across the country. They gathered at the post office to mail 12 beauty products to an environmental lab, where they would be tested for toxins and other dangerous ingredients that many commonly used products contain."
Self-reported chemicals exposure, beliefs about disease causation, and risk of breast cancer in the Cape Cod Breast Cancer and Environment Study: a case-control study
Ami R. Zota , Ann Aschengrau , Ruthann A. Rudel and Julia GREEN Brody
Environmental Health 2010, 9:40doi:10.1186/1476-069X-9-40. Published:20 July 2010
Abstract (provisional)
Household cleaning and pesticide products may contribute to breast cancer because many contain endocrine disrupting chemicals or mammary gland carcinogens. This population-based case-control study investigated whether use of household cleaners and pesticides increases breast cancer risk.
Participants were 787 Cape Cod, Massachusetts, women diagnosed with breast cancer between 1988 and 1995 and 721 controls. Telephone interviews asked about product use, beliefs about breast cancer etiology, and established and suspected breast cancer risk factors. To evaluate potential recall bias, we stratified product-use odds ratios by beliefs about whether chemicals and pollutants contribute to breast cancer; we compared these results with odds ratios for family history (which are less subject to recall bias) stratified by beliefs about heredity.
Breast cancer risk increased two-fold in the highest compared with lowest quartile of self-reported combined cleaning product use (Adjusted OR = 2.1, 95% CI: 1.4, 3.3) and combined air freshener use (Adjusted OR = 1.9, 95% CI: 1.2, 3.0). Little association was observed with pesticide use. In stratified analyses, cleaning products odds ratios were more elevated among participants who believed pollutants contribute "a lot" to breast cancer and moved towards the null among the other participants. In comparison, the odds ratio for breast cancer and family history was markedly higher among women who believed that heredity contributes "a lot" (OR = 2.6, 95% CI: 1.9, 3.6) and not elevated among others (OR = 0.7, 95% CI: 0.5, 1.1).
Results of this study suggest that cleaning product use contributes to increased breast cancer risk. However, results also highlight the difficulty of distinguishing in retrospective self-report studies between valid associations and the influence of recall bias. Recall bias may influence higher odds ratios for product use among participants who believed that chemicals and pollutants contribute to breast cancer. Alternatively, the influence of experience on beliefs is another explanation, illustrated by the protective odds ratio for family history among women who do not believe heredity contributes "a lot." Because exposure to chemicals from household cleaning products is a biologically plausible cause of breast cancer and avoidable, associations reported here should be further examined prospectively.
Monday, July 19, 2010
Washington State Denies State Registration of Methyl Iodide
"Washington state has denied approval of the highly toxic fumigant-based pesticide methyl iodide, and environmentalists hope other regulators follow its lead."
Army vet seeks chemical-spray compensation
"A Canadian army veteran who says chemical spraying in the 1960s at a New Brunswick base is slowly killing him has appealed to the federal government for compensation."
How to Keep Your Family Safe from Toxic Chemicals
"BPA ... Phthalates... You know they can be dangerous for your family, but you may not know all the ways they enter your body, or -- most important -- how you can limit your exposure. Parents investigates."
Ten Discoveries about the Biology of CFS
"This summary of important CFS research findings is reproduced with kind permission from the Summer 2008 issue of The CFIDS Chronicle, a quarterly publication of the CFIDS Association of America."
MSNBC: Pharmaceuticals in US Water Supply
Key Words: multiple chemical sensitivity, chemical sensitivity, chemical sensitivities, multiple chemical sensitivities, MCS, EI, environmental illness, sick building syndrome, idiopathic environmental intolerance, fibromyalgia, chronic fatiuge, FM, CFS, mold illness, clinical ecology, alternative medicine, environmental medicine, neuropathy, encephalopathy, toxic, chemical
U.S. Government to Gulf War Vets: DROP DEAD!,201032777.aspx
Gary Mull, Ph.D.
"This new and no-holds-barred documentary exposes the 19 year secret U.S. Government program whose consequences have caused the needless suffering and deaths of our brave Gulf War vets. Total killed since 1991 75,000+ - Nearly 40% more than died in Vietnam! Does anyone care?? Could your father, husband, son or daughter be among those our government considers EXPENDABLE?!!"
Gulf oil spill: Fouling air as well as water?
"The EPA says some communities in Louisiana face a 'moderate health risk' due to hydrocarbon fumes from the Gulf oil spill. Researchers will report air quality findings this week.
Smoke rises from a controlled burn of contained oil from the Deepwater Horizon oil well leak on the Gulf of Mexico near the coast of Louisiana Friday, July 16. Researchers suspect adverse health effects from air pollution tied to the Gulf oil spill."
Meat with antibiotics off the menu at some hospitals,0,6684853,print.story
"Concerned about drug-resistant pathogens, medical professionals push to limit antibiotic use in animal farming"
P.A.N.D.O.R.A. Wins a $20K Grant on Chase Community Giving
"P.A.N.D.O.R.A., the charity organization behind the NeuroEndocrineImmune (NEI) Center, a community patient-driven scientific research center, to be located in the state of New Jersey, wins a $20,000.00 Grant from Chase Community Giving as announced on July 13, 2010.
It is estimated that there are in the U.S. 20 million individuals suffering from disabling, painful and highly difficult to treat chronic illnesses such as chronic fatigue syndrome, myalgic encephalomyelitis, fibromyalgia, Lyme disease, multiple chemical sensitivity, environmental and Gulf War Illnesses."
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Governments and Organizations Recognizing Chemical Sensitivity
American Medical Association
U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Indoor Air Pollution: An Introduction for Health Professionals (1994)
"The current consensus is that in cases of claimed or suspected MCS, complaints should not be dismissed as psychogenic, and a thorough workup is essential. Primary care givers should determine that the individual does not have an underlying physiological problem and should consider the value of consultation with allergists and other specialists." (page 20)
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
MCS Disorder and Environmental Illness as Handicaps (1992)
"The General Counsel has accepted the attached memorandums the Department's position on the issue of when Multiple Chemical Sensitivity Disorder (MCS) and Environmental Illness (EI) are "handicaps" within the meaning of subsection 802 (h) of the Fair Housing Act (the "Act"), 42 U.S. C. 3602(h), and the Department's implementing regulation, 24 C.F.R. 100.201 (1991). In sum, MCS and EI can be associated with physical impairments which substantially impair one or more of a person's major life activities. Thus, individuals disabled by MCS and EI can be handicapped within the meaning of the Act. However, while MCS or EI can be handicaps under the Act, ordinary allergies generally would not be."
U.S. Department of Education
Multiple Chemical Sensitivity Policy and Resources (2001)
"MCS Is Now Recognized as a Disability. Both the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and the Social Security Administration (SSA) have recognized MCS as a disabling condition. People with MCS have won several Workers Compensation cases. A recent human rights lawsuit in Pennsylvania established the right of an affected person to safe living space in subsidized housing. Both the Maryland State Legislature and New Jersey State Department of Health have commissioned studies of MCS. The NJ study provides an excellent overview of medical and legal issues related to MCS."
Social Security
DI 24515.064 Evaluation Of Specific Issues Environmental Illness (1996)!opendocument
"In claims alleging disability due to environmental illness, it is often difficult to identify abnormal signs and laboratory findings which can be associated with the alleged symptoms. Therefore, in evaluating claims based on environmental illness, all of the claimant's symptoms, signs, and laboratory findings must be considered to determine if there is a medically determinable impairment and the impact of any impairment on the claimant's ability to work. This evaluation should be made on an individual case-by-case basis to determine if the impairment prevents substantial gainful activity."
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers For Disease Control and Prevention
Indoor Environmental Quality Policy
"Fragrance is not appropriate for a professional work environment, and the use of some products with fragrance may be detrimental to the health of workers with chemical sensitivities, allergies, asthma, and chronic headaches/migraines." (page 9)
The German Institute of Medicine
MCS, CFS, FMS: coding according to ICD-10-GM (2008)
MCS (Multiple Chemical Sensitivity) is classified under:
T78.4 ... Allergy, not otherwise specified;
Chapter 19 (injuries, poisoning and certain other consequences of toxic causes),
Section T66-T78 (Other and unspecified effects of external causes)
Japanese Ministry of Health
ICD10 codes: T65.9 poisoning and other unspecified substances, toxic substances, unspecified
MCS (Multiple Chemical Sensitivity) is classified under:
T659 Toxic effect of unspecified substance
T659 QV58... chemical sensitivity
A role for the body burden of aluminium in vaccine-associated macrophagic myofasciitis and chronic fatigue syndrome.
Birchall Centre for Inorganic Chemistry and Materials Science, Keele University, Staffordshire ST5 5BG, UK.
Macrophagic myofasciitis and chronic fatigue syndrome are severely disabling conditions which may be caused by adverse reactions to aluminium-containing adjuvants in vaccines.
PMID: 19004564 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Key Words: multiple chemical sensitivity, chemical sensitivity, chemical sensitivities, multiple chemical sensitivities, MCS, EI, environmental illness, sick building syndrome, idiopathic environmental intolerance, fibromyalgia, chronic fatiuge, FM, CFS, mold illness, clinical ecology, alternative medicine, environmental medicine, neuropathy, encephalopathy, toxic, chemical
New law will lead to greener but higher-priced furniture
"Not too long ago, many mass-market furniture makers weren't all that interested in the no-formaldehyde-added wood that Todd Vogelsinger was trying to sell them from Columbia Forest Products. After all, consumers and regulators weren't exactly demanding that furniture be formaldehyde-free."
Blog Archive
- Central tetrahydrobiopterin concentration in neuro...
- Jet fuel toxicity: skin damage measured by 900-MHz...
- Ambient air pollution exposure and full-term birth...
- Woman who has chemical sensitivity objects to plan...
- Chemicals in rivers linked to sexual changes in fi...
- Research Shows Controversial Illness is Real and T...
- Chicken producers debate 'natural' label
- House rejects bill to aid sick 9/11 responders
- EPA Announces $16 Million in Brownfields Funds to ...
- NEWSLETTER: MCS America News - August 2010
- Damp house linked to kids' risk of nasal allergies
- EPA Urges House To Pass Bill On Toxic Substances C...
- Oil causes 2,200 Gulf beach closings, warnings
- Health group sues FDA over antimicrobial soap
- CDC's National Report on Human Exposure to Environ...
- EPA Publishes Latest Data on Industrial and Toxics...
- A new 'green' painting option
- Large metro duck die-off blamed on chemicals
- Growing Health Crisis in Gulf of Mexico T.I.L.T.
- Disputed chemical bisphenol-A found in paper receipts
- Radiation Questions Over a Body Scanner
- URGENT ACTION: Spanish patient with chronic mercur...
- Report: Children's exposure to toxic chemicals cos...
- Disabilities debate rages 20 years later
- Activists frustrated at Obama's environmental record
- Urban air pollutants may damage IQs before baby's ...
- JAN Newsletter, Volume 8, Issue 3, Third Quarter 2010
- Ear aches: Noise pollution rattles nerves, harms h...
- U.S. farmers may face crackdown on pesticide use
- Some Cosmetics Contain Toxic Chemicals
- Hawaii Proclaimed July 2010 Toxic Injury Awareness...
- How Safe are Cosmetics? 8 Myths You Shouldn't Believe
- Tetrahydrobiopterin as a Novel Therapeutic Interve...
- Radon in indoor spaces: an underestimated risk fac...
- Results of a long-term study of vapor intrusion at...
- Indoor air quality modeling for PM(10), PM (2.5), ...
- Neurotoxicity of fungal volatile organic compounds...
- UCLA Study finds irritable bowel syndrome is not p...
- What's all the 'chlorpyri-fuss' about? We filed a ...
- Flame retardants in house dust match residents blo...
- Federal suit seeks ban of common pesticide
- Smog Might Trigger Cell Death in the Heart, Study ...
- EPA Awards $5.6 Million to Spur New Clean Diesel T...
- Swimming pool disinfectants linked to cancer
- Bill targets hazardous ingredients in cosmetics
- Use of Household Cleaners Linked to Increased Risk...
- National Conversation Leadership Council Teleconfe...
- Multiple Chemical Sensitivity Guidelines for South...
- The Reckless Self-Interest of the Fragrance Industry
- Keeping a House Too Clean could Cause Breast Cancer
- The Story of Cosmetics (2010)
- Alaska Supreme Court Issues Restraining Order on H...
- Toxic Living: Going green with household products
- Could PCBs Help Boost Blood Pressure?
- Traffic Pollution Linked to Risk Factor for Sudden...
- Parents Can Help Limit Kids' Exposure to Medical I...
- ACTION: Support the Safe Cosmetics Act of 2010
- Toxic Living: Dangers of plastics and lead to chil...
- The ugly side of beauty, some cosmetics can be toxic
- Self-reported chemicals exposure, beliefs about di...
- Washington State Denies State Registration of Meth...
- Army vet seeks chemical-spray compensation
- Wood Smoke Activist - August 2010 Issue
- How to Keep Your Family Safe from Toxic Chemicals
- Ten Discoveries about the Biology of CFS
- MSNBC: Pharmaceuticals in US Water Supply
- U.S. Government to Gulf War Vets: DROP DEAD!
- Gulf oil spill: Fouling air as well as water?
- Meat with antibiotics off the menu at some hospitals
- P.A.N.D.O.R.A. Wins a $20K Grant on Chase Communit...
- Governments and Organizations Recognizing Chemical...
- A role for the body burden of aluminium in vaccine...
- 2010 - Minnesota Department of Health - Mold Fact ...
- New law will lead to greener but higher-priced fur...
- P.A.N.D.O.R.A. NeuroEndocrineImmune (NEI) Center R...
- New Study Shows Vaccines Cause Brain Changes Found...
- Top Government adviser warns children 'send text m...
- Are you living in a chemical home?
- FREE WEBINAR: Taking the History in The Food Alle...
- Part THREE: The Diagnosis and Treatment of Chemic...
- The Common Sources of Toxic Chemicals That Can Cau...
- U.S. groups target 20 possible causes of cancer
- Factors associated with prospective development of...
- Human detoxification of perfluorinated compounds.
- Buzz From Workplace Chemicals Is No Defense to DWI...
- Suicide Tied to Air Pollution and Asthma
- Influence of pediatric vaccines on amygdala growth...
- Top 10 Ways to Detoxify Your Life
- Ursula Krämer, Christian Herder, Dorothea Sugiri, ...
- The Toxic Nation Guide to Cosmetics Laws: Canada v...
- Toxic Dispersants Near Gulf Harm Humans and Wildlife
- San Francisco cellphone radiation law raises healt...
- Toxic pollutants rise in North America
- CONFERENCE CALL: The Human Health Effects of the ...
- Nevada Environmental Health Association Annual Edu...
- Public Listening Session on the Draft Assessment f...
- 64th Annual Interstate Environmental Health Seminar
- WEBINAR: Greening Your Childcare Facility
- NIH Expands Food Allergy Research Program
- Serum vitamin D levels and severe asthma exacerbat...