Sunday, May 15, 2011

Letter: Is WA Governor Gregoire's proclamation about Multiple Chemical Sensitivity Awareness Month photoshopped?

The Canary Report
Letter: Is WA Governor Gregoire's proclamation about Multiple Chemical Sensitivity Awareness Month photoshopped?
"I can find no legitimate confirmation of the govenor signing a proclamation designating May as Chemical Sensitivity Awareness month for the state of Washington."

[COMMENT:  How amusing! It's laughable that anyone would try to claim a governor's proclamation is faked without presenting any proof or taking the time to contact constituent affairs to request a copy, especially someone in such a position at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory under the Department of Energy who should know how the process works! 

MCS America received a similar letter to the editor regarding the proclamation from another individual at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory claiming, "I am being asked by folks who allege MCS if this is real."  I too can assure you, it is very real.  If it' wasn't real, it would not have been in our newsletter. 

The red flags in these emails are abundant.  First, no one would contact Pacific Northwest National Laboratory rather than constituent affairs at the governor's office to see if a proclamation is real.  Second, no one diagnosed with MCS would raise such a question.  Third, people don't "allege" to have MCS.  Doctors diagnose them based on abnormal diagnostic tests and clinical signs.

What total desperation to make MCS go away!  When there isn't any evidence that it's not real, these are the levels people stoop too to try to cast doubt.  The reality is that MCS won't go away as long as the poisoning of millions of innocent people continues.  As more and more are poisoned, more and more are speaking up and demanding tighter government regulations on chemical use and sale.  It's coming soon!  No one is immune to the toxic effects of environmental poisons.  A pandemic of toxic poisoning cannot be ignored!]

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