Saturday, March 17, 2012

Big News! European Parliament: Declaration on MCS &EHS 12Mar2012. Also, VicHealth publishes new MCS Hospital Guidelines.

Just a quick note to pass on the good news that


1)      Victorian Department of  Health publishes its MCS Hospital Guidelines.


In Australia we now have Government MCS guidelines for Hospitals for Country Western Australia, South Australia and Victoria. By the end of the year there should be another set of new guidelines for another region too.


2)      European Parliament Declaration for the recognition of MCS and EHS.


This is a major document, recommending, "that Member States of the European Union (EU) include MCS and EHS in their own International Catalogue of Disease (ICD) and in their ILO-based Lists of Occupational Diseases; suggests that the WHO Assembly include MCS and EHS in its upcoming ICD-11"


This document is now in a three month process to determine whether it will be acted on. If the appropriate number of  EU parliamentarians sign onto the declaration it will then be forwarded by the President to the Council, the Commission and the parliaments of the Member States of the EU.


Copies of the Declaration can be downloaded from here...

or Here...



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