When Big Ag Attacks: Government-Sponsored Pesticide Propaganda
"The White House garden may be green and unsullied by agricultural chemicals, but Obama's United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) just forked over $180,000 to fund an agribusiness-backed smear campaign against the Environmental Working Group's (EWG) "Shopper's Guide to Pesticides," which includes the "Dirty Dozen," a list of the foods most commonly found to have pesticide residue."
The mission of MCS America (MCSA) is to propagate medical, legal, and social recognition for multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) as a disorder of organic biological origin induced by toxic environmental insults; to provide support and referral services to the individuals with all illnesses of environmental origin; and to ensure that environmental toxicants are identified, reduced, regulated, and enforced through lobbying for effective legislation. © MCS America
Blog Archive
- The Health Effects of Electromagnetic Fields
- NICNAS Report: A Scientific Review of Multiple Ch...
- MCS Letter to Santa
- Plan Bee
- San Francisco honor nail salons for healthy polish
- Perils of firefighting linger long after the blaze...
- Perils of firefighting linger long after the blaze...
- Manganese tied to higher rates of Parkinson's dise...
- Put pesticide regulation in Md. where it belongs
- The Chemical Spillover Effect: Who Is Punished Aft...
- Central Nervous System Aspergillosis causing Spina...
- Laura Hillenbrand releases new book while fighting...
- Cleaning agents may harm health
- Chronic Infection May Spawn Depression
- NEWSLETTER: MCS America News - December 2010
- Validation In a Virus?
- Gluten Sensitivity and the Impact on the Brain
- Lab animals and pets face obesity epidemic
- Europe bans baby bottles with Bisphenol-A
- Biological definition of multiple chemical sensiti...
- Strawberry pesticide targeted by environmentalists...
- Transportation Security Administration (TSA) Sued ...
- Transportation Security Administration (TSA) Sued ...
- Non-Thermal Effects and Mechanisms Of Interaction ...
- Dorset woman with severe ME 'left to rot by the NHS'
- EWG Action Fund's Healthy Home Checklist
- Partisan Rift Mires Product Safety Database Plan
- Some "Lead-Free" Pottery Can Still Taint Food
- Can I use bug killers and repellants?
- Toxic Toys And Safety Tips
- Parents Beware: Many Toys Still Toxic, Hazardous
- Study finds high toxicity in Central Coast streams
- Groups issue toy-safety report
- SPAIN: Mañana 25 un programa especial sobre SQM "...
- Public warned about toxic mothballs from China
- Stay away from heavy fragrances
- Food Safety Bill Starts, Stalls in First Week of L...
- Is Wi-Fi killing trees? Dutch study shows leaves d...
- Wi-Fi Radiation Is Killing Trees, New Study Finds
- Strong perfume spurs Hazmat response
- DJFS employee files complaint over perfume dispute
- Lyme disease rates high, yet the disease remains u...
- Different reaction patterns of dopamine content to...
- US probes lead in kids' drinking glasses
- Radiation Worries for Children in Dentists' Chairs
- National Conversation on Public Health and Chemica...
- European Commission confirms intentions on BPA
- US scientists significantly more likely to publish...
- The Precautionary Principle and EMF exposures - In...
- 10 Toxic Food Ingredients You Want to Avoid
- Before you buy that train set, do your homework
- California aims to remove toxins in produ
- Mom Demands Perfume Ban at High School
- Impact on fetal growth of prenatal exposure to pes...
- Association of residential dampness and mold with ...
- Co-exposure to mercury increases immunotoxicity of...
- Thyroid autoimmunity may represent a predispositio...
- U.S.-backed pesticide spraying in Guatemala draws ...
- US doctors say chemicals can cause cancer
- Is nanosilver in consumer products threatening hum...
- PG&E considers SmartMeter compromise
- EPA to Remove and Replace Lead-Contaminated Soils ...
- EPA Seeks Small Businesses Input on Exterior Lead ...
- Childhood lead exposure and uptake in teeth in the...
- Allergic Teen Seeks High School Perfume Ban
- Household cleaners will be reformulated to clean u...
- Shoppers shrug off fears about toxic reusable bags
- Most 9/11 responders settle suits over WTC dust
- The Impact of Bisphenol A and Triclosan on Immune ...
- Army tested 17 pounds of Agent Orange chemical on ...
- Wind whisks lead across the Pacific Ocean to Calif...
- Eating a variety of fruit cuts lung cancer risk
- Could Your Seafood Contain Toxic Chemicals?
- Pleasantville refuses to release school mold repor...
- Organic Bytes: Frankenfish Coupons, Coming Clean, ...
- 'Invisible' movie on Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
- Scientific Workshop: Exploring the Environmental C...
- SEMINAR: Cross-sectional Evaluation of Formaldehy...
- SEMINAR: Linking Early Exposures to Late Effects: ...
- WORKSHOP: Nurses & Environmental Health: Health C...
- National Coalition For Healthier Schools Technical...
- SEMINAR: The Health Effects of Electromagnetic Fi...
- States Lead on Toxic Chemical Reform
- Duke officials explain herbicide-spraying program
- Invitation - Bringing Healthcare Justice to the Fr...
- Health Effects of Chemicals on Humans
- Exposure to professional pest control treatments a...
- Air pollution: Silent killer in the city
- EPA to Expand Chemicals Testing for Endocrine Disr...
- Air pollution: Silent killer in the city By Dr. Sa...
- Union calls for immediate closure of Ironton SSA
- Fungicides Contaminate Western Aquatic Environments
- Prenatal Exposures Prompt EPA to Re-examine Chemic...
- Mercury Linked to Alzheimer's Disease
- Flame retardants pose serious health risks: scient...
- EPA Chemical Health Hazards Program Has 55-Year Ba...
- Elevated Nocturnal Blood Pressure and Heart Rate i...
- Polymorphisms of Adrenergic Cardiovascular Control...
- None flew over the cuckoo's nest: A world without ...
- Even Reusable Bags Carry Environmental Risk