At Some Nail Salons, Feeling Pretty and Green
"The bottles of nail polish at the Nova Nail Spa include Sky Sparkle blue, Hot Blooded pink and I Feel The Earth Move brown. But the predominant color at Kim Pham's chic salon is health-conscious green."
The mission of MCS America (MCSA) is to propagate medical, legal, and social recognition for multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) as a disorder of organic biological origin induced by toxic environmental insults; to provide support and referral services to the individuals with all illnesses of environmental origin; and to ensure that environmental toxicants are identified, reduced, regulated, and enforced through lobbying for effective legislation. © MCS America
Blog Archive
- The Health Effects of Electromagnetic Fields
- NICNAS Report: A Scientific Review of Multiple Ch...
- MCS Letter to Santa
- Plan Bee
- San Francisco honor nail salons for healthy polish
- Perils of firefighting linger long after the blaze...
- Perils of firefighting linger long after the blaze...
- Manganese tied to higher rates of Parkinson's dise...
- Put pesticide regulation in Md. where it belongs
- The Chemical Spillover Effect: Who Is Punished Aft...
- Central Nervous System Aspergillosis causing Spina...
- Laura Hillenbrand releases new book while fighting...
- Cleaning agents may harm health
- Chronic Infection May Spawn Depression
- NEWSLETTER: MCS America News - December 2010
- Validation In a Virus?
- Gluten Sensitivity and the Impact on the Brain
- Lab animals and pets face obesity epidemic
- Europe bans baby bottles with Bisphenol-A
- Biological definition of multiple chemical sensiti...
- Strawberry pesticide targeted by environmentalists...
- Transportation Security Administration (TSA) Sued ...
- Transportation Security Administration (TSA) Sued ...
- Non-Thermal Effects and Mechanisms Of Interaction ...
- Dorset woman with severe ME 'left to rot by the NHS'
- EWG Action Fund's Healthy Home Checklist
- Partisan Rift Mires Product Safety Database Plan
- Some "Lead-Free" Pottery Can Still Taint Food
- Can I use bug killers and repellants?
- Toxic Toys And Safety Tips
- Parents Beware: Many Toys Still Toxic, Hazardous
- Study finds high toxicity in Central Coast streams
- Groups issue toy-safety report
- SPAIN: Mañana 25 un programa especial sobre SQM "...
- Public warned about toxic mothballs from China
- Stay away from heavy fragrances
- Food Safety Bill Starts, Stalls in First Week of L...
- Is Wi-Fi killing trees? Dutch study shows leaves d...
- Wi-Fi Radiation Is Killing Trees, New Study Finds
- Strong perfume spurs Hazmat response
- DJFS employee files complaint over perfume dispute
- Lyme disease rates high, yet the disease remains u...
- Different reaction patterns of dopamine content to...
- US probes lead in kids' drinking glasses
- Radiation Worries for Children in Dentists' Chairs
- National Conversation on Public Health and Chemica...
- European Commission confirms intentions on BPA
- US scientists significantly more likely to publish...
- The Precautionary Principle and EMF exposures - In...
- 10 Toxic Food Ingredients You Want to Avoid
- Before you buy that train set, do your homework
- California aims to remove toxins in produ
- Mom Demands Perfume Ban at High School
- Impact on fetal growth of prenatal exposure to pes...
- Association of residential dampness and mold with ...
- Co-exposure to mercury increases immunotoxicity of...
- Thyroid autoimmunity may represent a predispositio...
- U.S.-backed pesticide spraying in Guatemala draws ...
- US doctors say chemicals can cause cancer
- Is nanosilver in consumer products threatening hum...
- PG&E considers SmartMeter compromise
- EPA to Remove and Replace Lead-Contaminated Soils ...
- EPA Seeks Small Businesses Input on Exterior Lead ...
- Childhood lead exposure and uptake in teeth in the...
- Allergic Teen Seeks High School Perfume Ban
- Household cleaners will be reformulated to clean u...
- Shoppers shrug off fears about toxic reusable bags
- Most 9/11 responders settle suits over WTC dust
- The Impact of Bisphenol A and Triclosan on Immune ...
- Army tested 17 pounds of Agent Orange chemical on ...
- Wind whisks lead across the Pacific Ocean to Calif...
- Eating a variety of fruit cuts lung cancer risk
- Could Your Seafood Contain Toxic Chemicals?
- Pleasantville refuses to release school mold repor...
- Organic Bytes: Frankenfish Coupons, Coming Clean, ...
- 'Invisible' movie on Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
- Scientific Workshop: Exploring the Environmental C...
- SEMINAR: Cross-sectional Evaluation of Formaldehy...
- SEMINAR: Linking Early Exposures to Late Effects: ...
- WORKSHOP: Nurses & Environmental Health: Health C...
- National Coalition For Healthier Schools Technical...
- SEMINAR: The Health Effects of Electromagnetic Fi...
- States Lead on Toxic Chemical Reform
- Duke officials explain herbicide-spraying program
- Invitation - Bringing Healthcare Justice to the Fr...
- Health Effects of Chemicals on Humans
- Exposure to professional pest control treatments a...
- Air pollution: Silent killer in the city
- EPA to Expand Chemicals Testing for Endocrine Disr...
- Air pollution: Silent killer in the city By Dr. Sa...
- Union calls for immediate closure of Ironton SSA
- Fungicides Contaminate Western Aquatic Environments
- Prenatal Exposures Prompt EPA to Re-examine Chemic...
- Mercury Linked to Alzheimer's Disease
- Flame retardants pose serious health risks: scient...
- EPA Chemical Health Hazards Program Has 55-Year Ba...
- Elevated Nocturnal Blood Pressure and Heart Rate i...
- Polymorphisms of Adrenergic Cardiovascular Control...
- None flew over the cuckoo's nest: A world without ...
- Even Reusable Bags Carry Environmental Risk