Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Measures Taken by European Countries for Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS)

[Comment: The following document, translated by Harry Clark et al, shows the responses of 11 countries regarding how they handle MCS. Harry runs the MCS News Australia and we thank him for taking the time to translate this informative 19 page document.]

Measures Taken by European Countries for Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS)
A Danish Health Ministry Report on Enquiries of 11 European Governments

Editor's Forward

"This translation represents, as accurately as I am able, the information of the original Danish text.

This document provides baseline information on the standing of MCS within the Health Ministries of 11European Governments (as reported by the Danish Health Ministry). This provides a valuable and unprecedented insight that may help considerably in directing efforts to gain better recognition of MCS.

The translation has been a co-operative exercise involving people from opposite ends of the Earth, from Denmark and Australia. Even in Australia the translators live over 1000km apart. Each of the six members of the translation effort have contributed valuable insights that have elevated the translation to be more accurate, clearer and easier to read.

I welcome constructive suggestions for improvements to the translation (send to MCS Society of Australia,"

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