MCS America has launched a logo shop. The new logo shop has t-shirts, mugs, buttons, magnets, stickers, notebooks, pillows, bags, and other items with the logo below.
The objective, of course, is to spread awareness by having the logo visible so that others ask questions to give us an opportunity to share about MCS and chemical injury. Calendars and posters with varying slogans will be available soon too!
The prevalence rate is that of Pamela Reed Gibson's study, which found that 16% of those surveyed reported symptoms from exposure to chemicals. Note that these were not people diagnosed with MCS, but rather the greater population surveyed.
Visit the logo shop at:
If you would like to mix and match logos on current products, let us know and we will create your item. Do you have suggestions for additional t-shirts? Perhaps you have something you've always wanted to tell the world on a t-shirt or other logo item. Send your suggestions to:
If we use your idea, we will send you one or more logo items at our wholesale cost!