Monday, January 28, 2008

Multiple Chemical Sensitivity Beleaguered, Part 1

Multiple Chemical Sensitivity  Beleaguered, Part 1
MCS America News, Volume 3, Issue 2, February 2008.
Several studies published from 1993-2005 suggest that at least 45 million men, women, and children in the US report various symptoms of multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS).1-8  Seventy percent of these people have not been diagnosed properly by a health care provider.1-8   More severe cases often lead to permanent and total disability. 
The recurring question is "Why is MCS not yet acknowledged by many medical professionals in the community?"  It's not disregarded because it's not a real illness, or researchers lack scientific data.  It's not ignored for lack of the epidemic rate of affliction that currently exceeds the rate of autism.  It's not misunderstood for lack of treatment modalities.  Rather, multiple chemical sensitivity is intentionally cast aside for industry profits.
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