Monday, April 29, 2013

How Chemical Toxins Will Make You Sick

How Chemical Toxins Will Make You Sick

"A 25 year old women begins her new career as a 2nd grade school teacher. After many of years of preparation, this new educator is ready to serve the public and help her young students learn how to read and write. Beginning in a newly renovated school is an extra bonus which makes our new teacher proud that she became part of the educational system. Everything is moving along fine.. she couldn't be happier!
Three months pass by and our teacher has noticed that her concentration is just not right. She has been getting a little "edgy." Definitely not like her. Her husband is concerned that maybe she is pushing herself a little too much and encourages her to simply slow down and pace herself. As the weeks go by, she begins experiencing headaches over her eyes and the back of her head. The headaches are now occurring more frequently a minimum of 3-4 times a week.
Six months into the school season and her symptoms are getting worse. In addition to her headaches, lack of concentration and irritability, she is now having insomnia, cries over nothing and has noticed an unusual tingling in her face, hands and feet. Concerned, our once "excited" trainer of children decides to see her family physician. After a brief consultation and a basic physical evaluation, her physician is confident she is again just overdoing it and recommends she lighten her work load. In the mean time, she is prescribed Xanax, a mild tranquilizer to settle her nerves. Feeling reassured that nothing is seriously wrong, our teacher returns to her young students and pushes on.
Another three months pass and this time our once highly motivated teacher is only a "shadow" of herself. It takes every ounce of energy to get started in the morning. She is having greater difficulty preparing her school assignments and simply is just exhausted! In a state of desperation she is referred to a psychiatrist. He diagnoses her with depression and prescribes an anti-depressant and also recommends counseling.
After two emotional years of trying an assortment of anti-depressants and hours of counseling, our young teacher is stuck in a nightmare.. a web of medical labels... depression, chronic fatigue syndrome, stress ... just name a few!
Is It Possible Something Has Been Missed?"

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