By Eva Caballé, Spain.
Last month, Loli Vicente, a Spanish woman with Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, shared an inspiring photo on Facebook. When I saw her picture, I had the idea to make a collage with pictures of people with MCS to post on NO FUN, because lately my blog is having a lot of visits (more than 3,000 the day that I was interviewed at national radio RNE or the day that MCS was featured on popular TV show in Spain) and many of the readers aren’t people with MCS. I thought that it would be a great opportunity to show to the society that there are a lot of people living with MCS and nobody will manage to silence us. I proposed this idea on Facebook and it was well received.
I have named the project “Multiple Chemical Sensitivity Uncovered.” NO FUN, my window to the outside world, shows people with MCS from all around the world, so we can illustrate that there are a lot of people living with MCS.
If you suffer MCS and you want to join this project, you can send your photo (with your country and your name or pseudonym), before September 30, to this email account: (this account has been created exclusively for receiving the pictures and it will be closed once the project ends). The photos can be you with a mask or without a mask but where MCS can be identified. More than photographic quality, I’m looking for the visual impact of all the pictures together.
I hope you like the project and will join it!
NOTE: I’m open to sharing the collage with any other blog or website from all around the world that wants to post it.
Link to request of photos in Spanish.
P.S. I would like to take this opportunity to tell you that, as some of you know, I have recently closed my personal Facebook account so that I can focus on my health. You can still stay in touch with me through my blog NO FUN and my two Facebook pages: for my blog and for my book.
Come visit me at NO FUN. English section here.
Eva Caballé
Key Words: multiple chemical sensitivity, chemical sensitivity, chemical sensitivities, multiple chemical sensitivities, MCS, EI, environmental illness, sick building syndrome, idiopathic environmental intolerance, fibromyalgia, chronic fatiuge, FM, CFS, mold illness, clinical ecology, alternative medicine, environmental medicine, neuropathy, encephalopathy, toxic, chemical