Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Organic doesn't always mean more environmentally sustainable, according to a University of Guelph study.

[Comment:  I love how they spin it to seem that organic is bad for our health too.  Such trickery!  Reminds me of how the food industry funds those studies that repeat over and over how organic food is not more nutritious, so we should eat conventional.  It seems convincing until we stop to realize that none of us eat organic because we think it has more nutrition.  We eat organic because we don't want toxic pesticide on our food!  The sin of irrelevance strikes again!  This study also fails to consider that organic farmers don't just spray for the sake of spraying like conventional farmers do.  That's not how organic farming works.  Spraying only occurs when all other methods of controlling something, like cross planting, have failed and a fungus or bug has set in.]

Organic doesn't always mean more environmentally sustainable, according to a University of Guelph study.

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