Thursday, June 24, 2010

ACTION: Tell Congress to Label Genetically Modified Foods Now!

[Comment:  Please consider taking action on this.  It's as easy as entering your zip code and sending a pre-designed letter to your congresspersons via the link below.]
Tell Congress to Label Genetically Modified Foods Now!

Gen-M, "Generation Monsanto," the first generation of humans force-fed genetically modified foods, hasn't reached reproductive age yet (they were born in the late 1990s). But, if a critical mass of animal feeding studies are any indication, the millennial generation, reared on Food Inc.'s unlabeled "Frankenfoods" can look forward to a long-term epidemic of cancer, food allergies, sterility, learning disabilities, and birth defects.

TAKE ACTION: Write your Congresspersons and 2010 candidates for the House and Senate. Tell them to support mandatory labeling of all genetically modified foods.

Click on this URL to take action now

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