Q&A Psychiatry and Psychology Evaluated
PDF Version: http://mcs-america.org/September2009pg2021.pdf
Online Version: http://mcs-america.org/mcsanewsseptember2009.htm#_Q&A___1
"Q: I was diagnosed with multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) by my doctor. The doctor has prescribed chemical avoidance, sauna therapy, and some supplements. I'm okay with all that and it's helping me to feel much better. My husband doesn't want to cope with the changes to our lifestyle so that I can practice avoidance and thinks I should see a psychiatrist. Would this help me?
PDF Version: http://mcs-america.org/September2009pg2021.pdf
Online Version: http://mcs-america.org/mcsanewsseptember2009.htm#_Q&A___1
"Q: I was diagnosed with multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) by my doctor. The doctor has prescribed chemical avoidance, sauna therapy, and some supplements. I'm okay with all that and it's helping me to feel much better. My husband doesn't want to cope with the changes to our lifestyle so that I can practice avoidance and thinks I should see a psychiatrist. Would this help me?
A: Neither a psychiatrist or a psychologist will cure your MCS itself. MCS is a disorder of toxicological origin where your body is less able to break down and eliminate toxic substances in the environment."
Please visit article link for full text.