Hope for Singles with Chemical Sensitivity
PDF Version: http://mcs-america.org/August2009pg10.pdf
Online Version: http://mcs-america.org/mcsanewsaugust2009.htm#_Hope_for_Singles
"People with multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) often face unique challenges meeting a soul mate. These challenges begin with finding someone who is willing to live a healthy, nontoxic lifestyle and support the needs of a partner with MCS. Though this sounds easy, there are many people who have been tricked into thinking that the products sold on the open market are safe to use. The fact that over 80% of chemicals are untested for human safety remains as evasive to the average person as understanding why some people are more susceptible to the effects of chemicals and are unable to clear them out of the body."
PDF Version: http://mcs-america.org/August2009pg10.pdf
Online Version: http://mcs-america.org/mcsanewsaugust2009.htm#_Hope_for_Singles
"People with multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) often face unique challenges meeting a soul mate. These challenges begin with finding someone who is willing to live a healthy, nontoxic lifestyle and support the needs of a partner with MCS. Though this sounds easy, there are many people who have been tricked into thinking that the products sold on the open market are safe to use. The fact that over 80% of chemicals are untested for human safety remains as evasive to the average person as understanding why some people are more susceptible to the effects of chemicals and are unable to clear them out of the body."