Thursday, October 25, 2012

Keeping sick buildings from making children sick

Keeping sick buildings from making children sick

"Reginald Liddell's asthma, otherwise easily controlled by an inhaler, had gotten the best of him.
His family had moved to a building at Reading Road and Blair Avenue – into an apartment creeping with mold and crawling with roaches – and Reginald got so sick that he missed school and spent the night at Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center.  "It was bad," said Reginald, now 10. "I had to go to the hospital a lot."  An article published online this week by the journal Pediatrics shows how the medical-legal partnership based at two Cincinnati Children's clinics improved housing conditions for low-income children – including Reginald and his brother Jaylijah, 8 – diagnosed with asthma, developmental delay or behavioral disorder and elevated lead level."

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