Millions Against Monsanto
Regional Summits at Green Festivals
To gear up for the Millions Against Monsanto actions on World Food Day, October 16, 2011, and to maintain pressure on Monsanto throughout the year, OCA is mobilizing meetings and Truth-in-Labeling protests in front of supermarkets to coincide with upcoming Green Festivals around the country:
- San Francisco Spring Green Festival April 9-10, 2011
- Chicago Green Festival May 14-15, 2011
- Seattle Green Festival May 21-22, 2011
- New York Green Festival October 1-2, 2011
- Los Angeles Green Festival October 29-30, 2011
- San Francisco Fall Green Festival, Nov 12-13, 2011
We need volunteers in each city to host gatherings at their homes or community centers, to put up OCA staff and volunteers in their homes and to work in the Millions Against Monsanto booths.
Millions Against Monsanto Webinar Follow-Up
Thanks to everyone that registered and attended the first Millions Against Monsanto Webinar: Why We Need Truth-in-Labeling for GMOs and Factory-Farmed Foods. The event was filled to capacity, with 1000 people registered. If you missed the webinar, visit the link below to download a pdf of the PowerPoint presentation and take a look at some of great questions asked by attendees (which we have tried to answer). The presentation frames the source and severity of the problem and outlines the various action items you can take in your towns and congressional districts. The audio portion will also be available in the next few days. Stay tuned for the next webinar, which will take you through more of the "nuts-and-bolts" of the grassroots campaign against GMOs.
Next week: How to have a Month Without Monsanto
Poll of the Week
MSNBC Poll: 96% of Americans Want Genetically Modified Foods Labeled
Is MSNBC reading our minds? This week MSNBC conducted a poll to find out whether people think GMOs should be labeled. After a total of 38,479 votes, the results are in: 95.9% of those polled want GMOs labeled!
Video of the Week
The Story of Citizens United v. FEC: Why Democracy Only Works When People Are in Charge
How could a chemical company like Monsanto, notorious for producing Agent Orange and dioxin during the Vietnam War, end up with so much power over our food and farming system? Why are U.S. tax dollars subsidizing Monsanto and the biotech industry's 165 million acres of GM crops, factory farms, junk foods and biofuels? Why is the Obama administration (like the Bush and Clinton administrations before them) passing laws and regulations that benefit the rich and the powerful, rather than the common people? Learn how corporations like Monsanto have been allowed to corrupt our democracy in The Story of Citizens United v. FEC.
Remember to Take Action...
Ban Triclosan! Take action by April 8, 2011
New York: Label Milk From Cows Given rBGH (Genetically Engineered Bovine Growth Hormone)!
Hawaii: Demand Truth-in-Labeling!
Little Bytes
Why Monsanto's GM Seeds are Undemocratic
Toxic or Not? Studying the Dangers of Ordinary Household Chemicals
The Price of Food is at the Heart of This Wave of Revolutions
Behind the Arab Revolt Is a Word We Dare Not Speak: Corporate Fascism
Forbes Writer: GMO Labeling Would Violate Corporate Speech Rights
HI - Get Involved Locally
- Learn more about OCA related action alerts and other news in HI here.
Dr. Bronner's is Celebrating Our 60th Anniversary!
Marking the 60th Anniversary of the company, Dr. Bronner's Magic Soaps is pleased to announce that all classic liquid & bar soaps are now not only certified under the USDA National Organic Program, but also certified Fair Trade! In addition, we are pleased to introduce a revolutionary new range of high-quality organic products, from hair rinses to shaving gels – all certified under the same USDA program that certifies organic foods.
Please visit us on the web at
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Every issue of Organic Bytes now goes to 265,000 organic consumers with a thousand new subscribers each week. Please help us and your business by letting our subscribers know who you are and that you support the work of the OCA. Please contact us if you want more information!
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