Hispanics face high cancer risk from breathing household chemical
"Hispanics have a cancer risk from air pollutants as much as five times the rate of others living in the same cities. But it isn't outdoor air posing the greatest danger; it is something much closer to home: Toilet deodorizers and moth repellents in their bathrooms and closets. Researchers call for a ban on the carcinogenic chemical used in the consumer products."
The mission of MCS America (MCSA) is to propagate medical, legal, and social recognition for multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) as a disorder of organic biological origin induced by toxic environmental insults; to provide support and referral services to the individuals with all illnesses of environmental origin; and to ensure that environmental toxicants are identified, reduced, regulated, and enforced through lobbying for effective legislation. © MCS America
Blog Archive
- CORRECTION: MCS America News - October 2009
- Franken seeks ingredient labeling for household cl...
- EPA unveils plan to review 6 controversial chemica...
- NEWSLETTER: MCS America News - October 2009
- EPA Announces Research Strategy to Study Nanomater...
- Controversial neurosurgeon's license won't be renewed
- Fundraiser Sunday to benefit victim of mold poisoning
- EPA suggests testing for PCBs
- EPA gives Congress a heads-up on toxic chemicals
- MCS house for rent
- Children Living Near Agricultural Pesticide Use Ha...
- Lyme disease doc gets 'Under Our Skin'
- Plane toxins 'brain damage link'
- Monsanto, Cousins Face Series of Lawsuits in Sauge...
- Experts Say Industry Food Labels Deceptive
- Schoolgirl dies after cervical cancer vaccination
- Senators Introduce Bill to Protect Consumers from ...
- Inhaling a Heart Attack: How Air Pollution Can Cau...
- EPA announces plans to step up chemical regulation
- Bill puts emphasis on improving school building ai...
- Mercury limits suspended for H1N1 vaccine to impro...
- Montgomery Wants to Know: Will That Road Make You ...
- Officials knew for decades that Scofieldtown park ...
- Dangers the eye cannot see
- Late Lessons from Early Warnings: the Precautionar...
- Chemical drift moves from field to legislature
- Mold forces family from Eldersburg home
- Flu Vaccine Exposed: Think Twice!
- Shots in the Dark, Part 1
- N.B. to test residents after toxic chemical spill
- Diesel fumes unhealthy, MD tells train protest
- Health dangers of sewer water snowmaking should be...
- Meteorologically estimated exposure but not distan...
- New Concerns Raised About Chemical in Leading Baby...
- Quantitative volatile metabolite profiling of comm...
- Experimental inhalation of fragrance allergens in ...
- The capsaicin cough reflex in patients with sympto...
- Calif. bans high-emission paint thinners, solvents
- A comparison of classification methods for predict...
- Functional somatic syndrome in dental practice
- Fw: [MCSAfeeds] Environmental chemicals found in b...
- Strawberry pesticide leaves sour taste
- Workplace Exposures Rise as Osha Health Inspection...
- ABC News: Feeling Chronically Fatigued?
- School drinking water contains toxins
- Allergen rules may alter scents of great perfumes
- Can planes be poisonous?
- Long-term persistence of vaccine-derived aluminum ...
- Are You Tired of Stores That Use Scent Machines? |...
- Is a cell phone dangerous to use?
- Seeking Chemical Culprits for Those Deformities
- National study finds mercury in fish in every stre...
- Judge overturns approval of Roundup Ready beets
- High level of toxins detected in shoes
- TAU Invention Busts Dust
- Upcoming Workshops from ICEH Bulletin
- Neurologic signs common with fibromyalgia
- Association between leukocyte telomere shortening ...
- New concerns raised about chemical in leading baby...
- Detox 101: Top 10 ways to lessen your toxic load
- Electricity as a Cause for "Diseases of Civilization"
- Power line creates big buzz
- PETITION: Tell Congress: Don't Weaken the Clean A...
- School Indoor Air Quality: State Policy Strategies...
- Is there a polluter on your block?
- UMD students work to reduce toxic chemicals in hou...
- Study puts pesticide's safety in spotlight once again
- U researcher helps explain chronic fatigue
- Victoria Beckham Banned From Spraying Perfume
- Profiles of MCS victims
- What is a 'Fragrance Free' Zone ?
- Chemicals fuel debate over mysterious ailment
- Infection, vaccination, and autoantibodies in chro...
- Low home ventilation rate in combination with mold...
- Regional differences in residential environments a...
- Exposure to Traffic-Related Particles and Endotoxi...
- Exposure to indoor biomass fuel and tobacco smoke ...
- Flame Retardants in the Home
- Welcome to MCS, Time to Look At Your Flooring in a...
- Allergic contact dermatitis from fragrance compone...
- Portable and precise gas sensor could monitor poll...
- Is your baby's car seat made with lead?
- Environmental Group Reveals Toxic Chemicals in a R...
- Sussex County school moving playground away from p...
- Fight Grows Over Labels on Household Cleaners
- Risks From Toxic Ingredients In Cosmetics, And Per...
- Local news station confirms barium in chemtrails
- "Bones" Show Covers MCS
- In Worcester, a toxic dilemma... Beekeepers wary o...
- EPA Awards UH Lead Role to Study Toxin Effects on ...
- Are our playgrounds and parking lots safe?
- Davis Weighs Area's Stiffest Wood-Burning Ban
- NIH funds grantees focusing on epigenomics of huma...
- ACTION: Tell EPA to Protect Our Drinking Water
- Hepatitis B Vaccination of Male Neonates and Autism
- Province pledges to consult on curbing pesticides
- Sessions held for input on pesticide bylaw
- Environmental Health: Protecting our Children from...
- Cell phones: Feds probing health impacts
- Is swimming pool chlorine fueling the allergy epid...