Eye on the Flu Shot with Jim Carry (Humor)
Key Words: multiple chemical sensitivity, chemical sensitivity, chemical sensitivities, multiple chemical sensitivities, MCS, EI, environmental illness, sick building syndrome, idiopathic environmental intolerance, fibromyalgia, chronic fatiuge, FM, CFS, mold illness, clinical ecology, alternative medicine, environmental medicine, neuropathy, encephalopathy, toxic, chemical
The mission of MCS America (MCSA) is to propagate medical, legal, and social recognition for multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) as a disorder of organic biological origin induced by toxic environmental insults; to provide support and referral services to the individuals with all illnesses of environmental origin; and to ensure that environmental toxicants are identified, reduced, regulated, and enforced through lobbying for effective legislation. © MCS America
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Eye on the Flu Shot with Jim Carry (Humor)
Swine Flu,
Blog Archive
- CORRECTION: MCS America News - October 2009
- Franken seeks ingredient labeling for household cl...
- EPA unveils plan to review 6 controversial chemica...
- NEWSLETTER: MCS America News - October 2009
- EPA Announces Research Strategy to Study Nanomater...
- Controversial neurosurgeon's license won't be renewed
- Fundraiser Sunday to benefit victim of mold poisoning
- EPA suggests testing for PCBs
- EPA gives Congress a heads-up on toxic chemicals
- MCS house for rent
- Children Living Near Agricultural Pesticide Use Ha...
- Lyme disease doc gets 'Under Our Skin'
- Plane toxins 'brain damage link'
- Monsanto, Cousins Face Series of Lawsuits in Sauge...
- Experts Say Industry Food Labels Deceptive
- Schoolgirl dies after cervical cancer vaccination
- Senators Introduce Bill to Protect Consumers from ...
- Inhaling a Heart Attack: How Air Pollution Can Cau...
- EPA announces plans to step up chemical regulation
- Bill puts emphasis on improving school building ai...
- Mercury limits suspended for H1N1 vaccine to impro...
- Montgomery Wants to Know: Will That Road Make You ...
- Officials knew for decades that Scofieldtown park ...
- Dangers the eye cannot see
- Late Lessons from Early Warnings: the Precautionar...
- Chemical drift moves from field to legislature
- Mold forces family from Eldersburg home
- Flu Vaccine Exposed: Think Twice!
- Shots in the Dark, Part 1
- N.B. to test residents after toxic chemical spill
- Diesel fumes unhealthy, MD tells train protest
- Health dangers of sewer water snowmaking should be...
- Meteorologically estimated exposure but not distan...
- New Concerns Raised About Chemical in Leading Baby...
- Quantitative volatile metabolite profiling of comm...
- Experimental inhalation of fragrance allergens in ...
- The capsaicin cough reflex in patients with sympto...
- Calif. bans high-emission paint thinners, solvents
- A comparison of classification methods for predict...
- Functional somatic syndrome in dental practice
- Fw: [MCSAfeeds] Environmental chemicals found in b...
- Strawberry pesticide leaves sour taste
- Workplace Exposures Rise as Osha Health Inspection...
- ABC News: Feeling Chronically Fatigued?
- School drinking water contains toxins
- Allergen rules may alter scents of great perfumes
- Can planes be poisonous?
- Long-term persistence of vaccine-derived aluminum ...
- Are You Tired of Stores That Use Scent Machines? |...
- Is a cell phone dangerous to use?
- Seeking Chemical Culprits for Those Deformities
- National study finds mercury in fish in every stre...
- Judge overturns approval of Roundup Ready beets
- High level of toxins detected in shoes
- TAU Invention Busts Dust
- Upcoming Workshops from ICEH Bulletin
- Neurologic signs common with fibromyalgia
- Association between leukocyte telomere shortening ...
- New concerns raised about chemical in leading baby...
- Detox 101: Top 10 ways to lessen your toxic load
- Electricity as a Cause for "Diseases of Civilization"
- Power line creates big buzz
- PETITION: Tell Congress: Don't Weaken the Clean A...
- School Indoor Air Quality: State Policy Strategies...
- Is there a polluter on your block?
- UMD students work to reduce toxic chemicals in hou...
- Study puts pesticide's safety in spotlight once again
- U researcher helps explain chronic fatigue
- Victoria Beckham Banned From Spraying Perfume
- Profiles of MCS victims
- What is a 'Fragrance Free' Zone ?
- Chemicals fuel debate over mysterious ailment
- Infection, vaccination, and autoantibodies in chro...
- Low home ventilation rate in combination with mold...
- Regional differences in residential environments a...
- Exposure to Traffic-Related Particles and Endotoxi...
- Exposure to indoor biomass fuel and tobacco smoke ...
- Flame Retardants in the Home
- Welcome to MCS, Time to Look At Your Flooring in a...
- Allergic contact dermatitis from fragrance compone...
- Portable and precise gas sensor could monitor poll...
- Is your baby's car seat made with lead?
- Environmental Group Reveals Toxic Chemicals in a R...
- Sussex County school moving playground away from p...
- Fight Grows Over Labels on Household Cleaners
- Risks From Toxic Ingredients In Cosmetics, And Per...
- Local news station confirms barium in chemtrails
- "Bones" Show Covers MCS
- In Worcester, a toxic dilemma... Beekeepers wary o...
- EPA Awards UH Lead Role to Study Toxin Effects on ...
- Are our playgrounds and parking lots safe?
- Davis Weighs Area's Stiffest Wood-Burning Ban
- NIH funds grantees focusing on epigenomics of huma...
- ACTION: Tell EPA to Protect Our Drinking Water
- Hepatitis B Vaccination of Male Neonates and Autism
- Province pledges to consult on curbing pesticides
- Sessions held for input on pesticide bylaw
- Environmental Health: Protecting our Children from...
- Cell phones: Feds probing health impacts
- Is swimming pool chlorine fueling the allergy epid...