Friday, March 14, 2008

Supposedly "Green" Products Could Be Toxic

Comment:  This is so important for us to remember.  I find myself frequently repeating that "green" is not necessarily synonymous with "MCS safe".  The key is to examine the full-disclosure ingredients and not rely on the "labels" a product has, as most labels are unregulated. I'm sure many have tried supposedly "organic" or "natural" products only to find money was wasted on something that triggers a reaction.  Worse, some may be using products they believe are safe and don't noticeably react to that are truly adding to body burden.  Learning how to read labels and look up the MEDS sheets for ingredients can come in handy. 

Supposedly "Green" Products Could Be Toxic:  Carcinogenic Compound Found in Half of Brands Tested

Nearly half the supposedly "natural" or "green" soaps shampoos and other consumer products tested by the Organic Consumers Association have an ingredient that could cause cancer, according to a new report.


The terms "green," "natural," and even "organic" (if not accompanied by the USDA-certified seal) are unregulated, so manufacturers and marketers have free rein in using them by their own definition.

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