Saturday, March 15, 2008

Man-made menace (Polyester)

SAL:  This article has suprisingly good information about polyester and even mentions MCSers should not wear it, but rather use cotton washed in baking soda.  I suppose that would not work for everyone, however it's nice to see nonetheless.

Man-made menace

But polyester is made from petroleum, and its manufacture is a chemical-intensive process.
The Environmental Health Center in Dallas, Texas, reported a few years ago that polyester clothing was after all not always safe to wear. Clothes are frequently treated with various chemicals, including water repellents and fabric dyes.
People with Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS), or those with sensitive skin, prone to eczema and hives, cannot wear polyester. They should wear organic cotton if possible, washed in baking soda and water. 

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