Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Medical Breakthrough: The Viral Link to Mental Illness

[COMMENT:  Anyone else thinking about how vaccines might be factor here?  Some 60% of Americans take psychiatric medications and it just doesn't seem right the the vast majority are not "normal".  Instead, the vast majority are abnormal or mentally ill.  Either something is really wrong at a level beyond the individual, or we need to redefine "normal".  Many diagnoses are nothing more than variations of normal that don't need pharmacueticals.]

Medical Breakthrough: The Viral Link to Mental Illness

"Flu, AIDS, meningitis, Ebola, polio, herpes, measles, rabies—the list of diseases caused by viruses is a litany of woe ranging from the merely annoying to the deadly. Every year almost two million people are killed by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), and around half that many people succumb to viral hepatitis infections. The economic toll of viral illnesses is nearly as staggering as the human one; flu costs the United States an estimated $25 billion a year, and HIV costs $36 billion. To make matters worse, new viruses continue to appear (see "Virus Hunter" below), often after hiding in animal populations for centuries before moving into humans—as did HIV, avian flu, and severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS). But while public health officials and physicians focus on the threat of emerging viruses, little-noticed research is implicating these primitive microbes in diseases long thought to have nothing to do with them: mental illnesses."

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