Friday, June 10, 2011

PETITION: Tell SC Johnson Their Toxic Scents Stink!

PETITION: Tell SC Johnson Their Toxic Scents Stink!

"If you use products made by SC Johnson like Glade®, Windex®, Fantastik® or Pledge®, you may be exposing yourself to toxic trespassers.

You won't find them listed on the label, but galaxolide and tonalide are toxic fragrance ingredients that enter our bodies without our knowledge or our consent. Other companies, including Simple Green, Clorox, and Reckitt Benckiser have removed them. Let's demand SC Johnson to do the same!

Why? Because galaxolide and tonalide:
•    Are linked to hormone disruption and increased risk of breast cancer
•    Build up in our bodies—they're showing up in blood, breast milk, and even newborns
•    Don't break down easily in the environment
•    May make our bodies more vulnerable to other toxic chemicals by weakening our body's defenses

Scents should linger in the air, not our bodies!"

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