Monday, January 31, 2011

Child Flu Vaccine Seizures?

[Comment:  This is no big surprise. It happened in Australia over our summer and the US ignored the warnings and forged ahead with planned vaccinations anyway.  As for clear links, we don't exactly hear parents saying their child coincidentally developed seizures after their first day of school, or after losing their first tooth, or after falling off their bike.  The commonallity is vaccines, not any other childhood experience.  There's never a clear link when you stick your head in the sand and don't look.  There mere fact that more febril seizures occur post vaccination than at any other time in a a child's life should be 'clear' enough!]
Child Flu Vaccine Seizures?

"According to a Vaccine Safety "update" issued by the FDA on Jan. 20, there's been an increase in reports of febrile seizures among infants and children following this year's flu vaccine. Febrile seizures are seizures associated with fever."

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