"The Minnesota Department of Health published a list Monday of nine toxic chemicals that are present in children's products."
The mission of MCS America (MCSA) is to propagate medical, legal, and social recognition for multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) as a disorder of organic biological origin induced by toxic environmental insults; to provide support and referral services to the individuals with all illnesses of environmental origin; and to ensure that environmental toxicants are identified, reduced, regulated, and enforced through lobbying for effective legislation. © MCS America
February 2011, Volume 6, Issue 2
Entire PDF Edition: (View, Download, and Print)
Direct Links to Articles Inside This Issue:
Coming to Terms with Multiple Chemical Sensitivity
Evidence of Leaking Macondo Prospect
The Gulf Oil Spill Continues
Herbicide Found to Cause Coordination and Learning Difficulties
EPA Provides Access to Some Chemical Studies
Air Pollution Shown to Lead to Brain Damage
Researchers Suggest that
Patient Support & Resources
Community News
Featured Research Studies
Multiple Chemical Sensitivities
Copyrighted © 2011 MCS
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Alerts of the Week |
On Jan 24, 2011, the Organic Consumers Association filed over 50,000 comments from our members with the USDA, asking the agency to block Monsanto's new genetically-modified, herbicide-loving alfalfa and opposing Sec. Vilsack's idea that organic and GMOs can "coexist."
Thanks everyone, we'll keep you posted!
Ban Triclosan! Take action by Feb.7, 2011
New York: Label Milk From Cows Given rBGH (Genetically Engineered Bovine Growth Hormone)!
Nationwide: Get a GMO Labeling Bill Introduced in Your State
Office Internship
We are offering an internship working in our national office in Finland MN, beginning in Late February, 2011 for 4 months, with the option to stay on longer. This is an unpaid internship but you will be provided with a place to stay and a small stipend for food and living expenses. The internship will consist of basic office tasks such as answering phones, interacting with members, data entry, work on our website, as well as specific projects that we will work with you to develop. Opportunities will also be provided for local community involvement, including visits to a local CSA, dairy farm, and other sustainable agriculture and community venues in the region.
Online Research Internships to help OCA's Fair World Project
FWP seeks online interns to conduct internet research to support our Fair Trade Procurement Campaign and our Database Research Project. Interns will locate and post news stories, campaigns, and events, and reach out to like-minded organizations and green businesses or collect contact information on natural food stores, CSAs, etc. Although these are unpaid internships, FWP is willing to work with students to arrange college credit for your work.
These are excellent opportunities to help the OCA while gaining experience in the workings of a international nonprofit campaigning for health, justice and sustainability.
For more information, to apply, and to see OCA's other internship offerings, please visit our internship page.
It's happened in places like Louisiana, Arkansas and Kentucky. Hundreds of birds mysteriously found dead.
Folks in Yankton, South Dakota, thought they were being added to the list after hundreds of dead birds were found there on Monday. Turns out the unpleasant feathered discovery has a solid explanation. They were poisoned.
"We cannot continue to let the consolidation of corporate food production create a food system that values quantity over quality and refuses to take into account the true cost of production. We must consider the environmental and health problems that creating food in unsafe and inhumane ways causes, leading to outbreaks of foodborne illness, antibiotic resistant bacteria, and polluted drinking water. Big Ag is very effective in playing the insider game, constantly lobbying Congress and federal agencies.
"As Congress prepares for consideration of the farm bill next year, it is imperative that we have Fearless Leaders to speak up for the people when lawmakers hear from corporate interests prioritizing profits over health. The farm bill defines the federal government's role in the agricultural market, and we must fight to see that it supports family farms and sustainable farms that promote healthy foods. We need to take back food production; after all, we are what we eat."
- The Fearless Campaign
"Growing numbers of citizens-including many who never before questioned the status quo-now seem willing to explore new ideas that once would have seemed radical. Millions of Americans are now making shifts in their personal lives such as buying organic foods, using alternative medicine, collaborating online, and searching for something beyond consumerism that offers a sense of meaning in their lives. They may not yet be sprinkling their conversations with the word commons, but they are looking for changes in their lives.
"Now is the time to introduce a decisive shift in worldview. People everywhere are yearning for a world that is safer, saner, more sustainable and satisfying. There's a rising sense of possibility that even with our daunting economic and environmental problems, there are opportunities to make some fundamental improvements. Everyone deserves decent health care. The health of the planet should take precedence over the profits of a few. Clean water, adequate food, education, access to information, and economic opportunity ought to be available to all people. In other words, a commons-based society. Let's transform that hope into constructive action."
- Jay Walljasper, editor and chief author of All That We Share: A Field Guide to the Commons
Food and Resource Revolts: The Year of Living Dangerously
At Oregon Sugar Beet Seed Farms, It's Organic Agriculture vs. Genetic Engineering
Stop Buying Antibacterial Soaps, Handwipes and Cleaning Agents
With Food-System Reform Slowed to a Crawl, Local Initiatives Come to Fore
Monsanto Launches Deceptive Ad Campaign in Desperate Attempt to Improve Image
Marking the 60th Anniversary of the company, Dr. Bronner's Magic Soaps is pleased to announce that all classic liquid & bar soaps are now not only certified under the USDA National Organic Program, but also certified Fair Trade! In addition, we are pleased to introduce a revolutionary new range of high-quality organic products, from hair rinses to shaving gels – all certified under the same USDA program that certifies organic foods.
Please visit us on the web at
Every issue of Organic Bytes now goes to 250,000 organic consumers with a thousand new subscribers each week. Please help us and your business by letting our subscribers know who you are and that you support the work of the OCA. Please contact us if you want more information!
Please forward this publication to family and friends, place it on web sites, |
Former North Carolina Teacher Files Suit Against School Over Alleged Harassment
"A former teacher with the Charlotte-Mercklenburg, North Carolina school system has filed a lawsuit claiming harassment and discrimination by students and administrators.
The Charlotte Observer reports that the federal suit, filed on behalf of 67-year-old Nada Feldman, claims the ex-teacher was also forced to resign after officials neglected to provide for her sensitivity to chemicals, which the suit claims is a medical condition."
PMID: 21084432 [PubMed - in process]
Alerts of the Week |
Industrial hemp has played a significant role in American history. In fact, in the early 1700's American farmers in Virginia were required by law to grow it. Today, healthy and sustainable hemp products are sold across the country, but American farmers are prohibited from growing this crop.
Hemp History Week seeks to celebrate America's rich history with industrial hemp and generate strong support for the re-legalization of hemp farming.
Get involved with Hemp History Week today!
Tell President Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder to Let U.S. Farmers Grow Hemp! Please sign the petition now!
Don't Let Monsanto's Alfalfa Contaminate Organic Dairy! Take action by Jan 24, 2011
Ban Triclosan! Take action by Feb.7, 2011
New York: Label Milk From Cows Given rBGH (Genetically Engineered Bovine Growth Hormone)!
Nationwide: Get a GMO Labeling Bill Introduced in Your State
Office Internship
We are offering an internship working in our national office in Finland MN, beginning in Late February, 2011 for 4 months, with the option to stay on longer. This is an unpaid internship but you will be provided with a place to stay and a small stipend for food and living expenses. The internship will consist of basic office tasks such as answering phones, interacting with members, data entry, work on our website, as well as specific projects that we will work with you to develop. Opportunities will also be provided for local community involvement, including visits to a local CSA, dairy farm, and other sustainable agriculture and community venues in the region.
Online Research Internships to help OCA's Fair World Project
FWP seeks online interns to conduct internet research to support our Fair Trade Procurement Campaign and our Database Research Project. Interns will locate and post news stories, campaigns, and events, and reach out to like-minded organizations and green businesses or collect contact information on natural food stores, CSAs, etc. Although these are unpaid internships, FWP is willing to work with students to arrange college credit for your work.
These are excellent opportunities to help the OCA while gaining experience in the workings of a international nonprofit campaigning for health, justice and sustainability.
For more information, to apply, and to see OCA's other internship offerings, please visit our internship page.
In the United States and other parts of the world, livestock production is becoming increasingly dominated by concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs). In a CAFO, animals are crammed together by the thousands or tens of thousands in animal prisons or torture centers, force-fed Monsanto's GMO grains, often unable to breathe fresh air, see the light of day, walk outside, peck at a plants or insects, scratch the earth, or eat a blade of grass.
Over 50 billion food animals are raised and slaughtered every year (not including massive quantities of farmed fish). Grazing and growing feed for livestock now occupy 70 percent of all agricultural land and 30 percent of the ice-free terrestrial surface of the planet. If present trends continue, meat production is predicted to double between the turn of the 21st century and 2050. Yet already, the Earth is being overwhelmed by food animals that consume massive quantities of energy and resources, whose wastes foul waterways and farmlands, and when eaten excessively, degrade our health.
CAFO: The Tragedy of Industrial Animal Factories is a powerful indictment of modern food production. But as the book shows, it doesn't have to be this way. Ultimately, CAFO offers a compelling vision for a healthier food system: one that is humane, sound for farmers and communities, and safer for consumers and the environment.
Well, come on all of you farmin' folks / Ole Monsanto's a blowin' smoke / They got genetic freaks and corporate greed / You can spray anything but you can't save seed / They're changin' Mother Nature's rules / There's new genes in the pool
The 'Food Bubble' is Bursting and Biotech Won't Save Us
Africa, Food, and Biotechnology
Fresh Produce Buying Clubs Gaining Popularity
Joan Gussow, Mother of the Sustainable Food Movement
Mad Cow Disease 'Can Be Spread Through Air'
Marking the 60th Anniversary of the company, Dr. Bronner's Magic Soaps is pleased to announce that all classic liquid & bar soaps are now not only certified under the USDA National Organic Program, but also certified Fair Trade! In addition, we are pleased to introduce a revolutionary new range of high-quality organic products, from hair rinses to shaving gels – all certified under the same USDA program that certifies organic foods.
Please visit us on the web at
Every issue of Organic Bytes now goes to 250,000 organic consumers with a thousand new subscribers each week. Please help us and your business by letting our subscribers know who you are and that you support the work of the OCA. Please contact us if you want more information! (Note: select "Sponsorship Coordinator" from the dropdown menu)
Please forward this publication to family and friends, place it on web sites, |