Monday, November 8, 2010

Third International Conference on Alternatives for Developmental Toxicity Testing (DNT3) in Varese - Italy

Third International Conference on Alternatives for Developmental Toxicity Testing (DNT3) in Varese - Italy

Publication Date: 2010-11-08
Web editor - IHCP web site European Commission Joint Research Centre Institute for Health and Consumer Protection, TP582 Via E. Fermi, 2749
I-21027 Ispra
Tel: +39 0332 786399
Fax: +39 0332 789059

Developmental Toxicity is an issue of growing concern in the context of chemical exposure. The developing human nervous system is susceptible to toxicants, and exposure during development may cause lasting neurological deficits. This conference will bring together diverse stakeholders from around the globe.

The event, organised by the JRC, Institute for Health and Consumer Protection (IHCP), will take place in Varese, Centro Congressi Ville Ponti (Italy), on 10-13 May 2011.

The following topics will be discussed:
- DNT and neurological deficits
- DNT and regulatory legislation
- Biomarkers and DNT
- Gene/Environment interactions
- Molecular pathways and DNT
- Alternative methods for DNT Testing
- Automation and potential of DNT test methods

Registration will open in November 2010.

Call for abstracts - Submission Deadline: January 31, 2011

The conference will also provide an opportunity to exhibit innovative technology related to Developmental Neurotoxicity Testing (DNT) using in-vitro approaches. Potential exhibitors (e.g. manufacturers and suppliers) will be selected based on the quality and relevance of their submission to the conference themes, with preference given to those presenting innovative technology linked to cell culture techniques and various cell-based assays.

Conference Programme:

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