Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Twin Study Sheds Interesting Light on MS

Twin Study Sheds Interesting Light on MS

"MS is a prototypical complex disease. The occurrence of MS seems to be related to both inherited susceptibility and an environmental trigger of some kind. In recent years whole genome surveys of genes associated with the occurrence of MS have found a number genetic factors that clearly modify the risk of developing the disease. Many of these susceptibility genes are ones involved in modulation of immune responses, which makes sense given the strong association of auto-inflammation as a major portion of the injury phenotype in MS. There is much interest in exploring these susceptibility genes because they may give new insights in the pathogenesis of the disease or be associated with different patterns of disease. If we can understand why some patients progress quickly and others have minimal disability even over many years, then it's likely we'll find some new therapeutic targets to regulate disease progression."

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