Pilot study assessing balance in women with fibromyalgia syndrome.
Physiother Theory Pract. 2009 Nov;25(8):555-65.
Russek LN, Fulk GD.
Russek LN, Fulk GD.
Physical Therapy Department, Clarkson University, Potsdam, New York 13699-5880, USA. Lnrussek@clarkson.edu
The purpose of current study was to assess postural control and balance self-efficacy in people with fibro-myalgia syndrome [FMS]. Thirty-two females with FMS completed the Activity-specific Balance Confidence Scale, Berg Balance test, NeuroCom Balance Master sensory-organization test, and limits of stability. There was a high prevalence of reported falls and a low mean score on the Activity-specific Balance Confidence Scale. A significant number of subjects scored below the population norm fifth percentile score on the sensory-organization test composite, visual, and vestibular sections. Preliminary evidence suggests that women with FMS may present with deficits in postural control, sensory organization, and balance self-efficacy.
PMID: 19925263 [PubMed - in process]