Saturday, August 1, 2009

[Mold problem in the work environment--an otorhinolaryngologist's view]

[Mold problem in the work environment--an otorhinolaryngologist's view]

Duodecim. 2009;125(9):983-9.
[Article in Finnish]

KYS:n korva-, nenä- ja kurkkutautien klinikka, Kuopio.

A proportion of persons exposed to microbial growth and associated impurities of the air exhibit symptoms in buildings with moisture damage. Typical symptoms include irritation of the eyes, skin and respiratory passages such as rhinitis, voice problems, mucus production and dyspnea. Joint and muscle pain, headache, fatigue and low-grade fever are also common. In the case of rhinitis, investigational methods exist only for symptoms induced by allergy. If the respiratory symptoms are suspected to be caused by moisture damage, constructional technical investigations must be immediately commenced. The symptoms usually disappear upon reparation of the damage and ending of the exposure.

PMID: 19517867 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

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