Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Atmospheric Toxics Webinar Series: Great Lakes Mercury Research Synthesis

Atmospheric Toxics Webinar Series: Great Lakes Mercury Research Synthesis
Wednesday October 13, 2010
10:00 a.m. - noon Eastern time


Sponsor: Great Lakes Commission


"Over the last six years, the Great Lakes Commission (GLC), under funding from the US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) and in cooperation with the eight Great Lakes states, has awarded research grants dealing with atmospheric toxic pollutants affecting the Great Lakes and their tributary watersheds. Thirty-five research grants have been awarded since 2004 addressing a diverse array of research concerning atmospheric pollutant loadings and movement within the basin and the associated impacts of numerous persistent, bioaccumulative, and toxic (PBT) chemicals on wildlife and human health. A substantial amount of new scientific knowledge has been attained through these research activities. The GLAD webinar series is intended to provide a forum for GLAD Principal Investigators (PIs) to disseminate information on their respective research activities, including specific findings, recommended follow-up actions, and potential public policy actions to foster elimination of PBT threats to the region. David Evers, PhD, will present "Great Lakes mercury research synthesis" and Kevin Crist, PhD, will present "Mercury fate, transport, depositional patterns, and major source characterization in the Great Lakes region.""


Price: free

Contact: GLC, 734-971-9135

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