The MCS America website has a new look to the news pages to go along with the new look to the rest of the site.
We’ve moved to bold colors with larger fonts for easier reading and navigation. The news links now show both the title and the hyperlink for easy viewing.
MCS America would like to thank all those who have worked to obtain a total of 37 proclamations for MCS, TI, or CS in 34 states! This year’s proclamations represent the largest signing of any year thus far! All the proclamations may be viewed at:
Proclamation Tally
37 Total Proclamations
34 Total States
1 County
26 TI
Proclamation List
Alabama - TI
Arizona - TIA
rkansas - MCS
Broward County, Florida - MCS
Colorado - MCS & TI
Connecticut – MCS
Connecticut - TI
Florida - MCS
Florida - TI
Georgia - TI
Idaho - TI
Illinois - TI & CS
Indiana - TI
Iowa - TI
Kansas - TI
Kentucky - TI
Louisiana - TI
Maine - TI
Maryland - TI
Massachusetts - MCS
Michigan - TI
Mississippi - TI
Missouri - TI
Montana - TI
Nebraska - TI
Nevada - MCS
New Hampshire - TI
New Mexico - TI
New York - TI
Ohio - MCS
Oklahoma - TI
Oregon - MCS/TI
West Virginia - TI
Washington - MCS
Washington DC - TI
Wisconsin - TI
Wyoming - TI